The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Outwardly and inwardly, then he said, “Have man not seen that We created him from a drop of a drop? Then, behold, he is a clear adversary.” That is, between the dispute, he made it apparent. He said, “He created man from a drop of seed, then, behold, he is a clear adversary.” That is because of his claim to divinity, and God did not create him except A servant, let him not exceed his destiny, so he disputes with his Lord over his lordship and what His dispute is with a created being other than Him, and He described His dispute as clear, not those who described it as a dispute from the highest councils and others, and in a claim other than Lordship, for there is no dispute that comes from a created being in a matter other than the claim of Lordship except that it is possible that the right is in His hand in that and it is hidden from the listener and the judge, so he does not know whether he has the right or not. With his opponent, is he truthful in his claim or is he a liar for th

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And know that God Almighty does not create anything with something, but He creates something with something, so whatever it requires

Help and causation are the blame of wisdom. God did not create anything except for the truth, and the truth is that they should worship Him, so then He is a clear adversary, and what is that? Except for the blindness of the hearts that turn away from the truth. If they had not turned away from the truth and were approaching it, they would have seen the truth and acknowledged His lordship in all things, and He would not associate anyone in worshiping His Lord with Him. For this reason He said, “Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do righteous deeds.” A defect is not righteous, and the defect in work and the lack of righteousness in it is nothing but polytheism. So he said, “And do not associate anyone in worshiping His Lord with anyone,” so he disapproved, so it was general to everyone to whom the name “One” is applied, which is everything

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