The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

That is why he brought the letter al-khatab to open the “lam” and to make it clear with the instrument of speech that they are a special people, because he does not lose from the world the third person pronoun, so he must have people like his saying about the happy ones, “They will have gardens that flow,” so he brought the third person pronoun, so they were absent from these addressees, and he opened the “lām” to open a mercy that gives evidence of circumstances, and for this tool. Levels by which the Truth treats His servants, such as His saying, “Indeed, they are with Us among the chosen ones, the best.” And such as His saying, “God would not leave the believers in the state you are upon, and God would not cause your faith to be lost, and He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and all that is on earth.” And He created for you whatever is on the earth, and to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and whatever is in the earth. Between the

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As for those of our companions who said, like Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and others, that the difference between the guardian and the prophet is the descent of kingship, for the guardian is inspired and the prophet is given kingship, even though he is in matters inspired, for he combines guardianship and prophecy, then this is a mistake in our view from those who say it and evidence of a lack of taste. Those who say it, but the difference is only in what the king sends down, not in the descent of the king, for what the king sends down on the Messenger and the Prophet is different from what the king sends down on the subordinate guardian, for kingship may descend on the follower guardian by following and understanding what the Prophet brought, which this guardian did not verify with knowledge of it, even if He was later than him in time, I mean later than the time of his existence, so it may descend upon him by defining the validity of what the Prophet brought and his illness from w

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Know, O you who benefit from it, that the Most High has mercy, pardon, generosity, and forgiveness, and what comes from that of His beautiful names, and they are truly His. Likewise, vengeance and severe oppression belong to Him. For He, Glory be to Him, is the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving, the Most Forgiving, and it is impossible for the effects of these names to be in Him, or for the subject of their effects to be Merciful. With whom, and pardoning whom, and generous to whom, and forgiving to whom, and taking vengeance on whom, he must say that God, the Creator, seeks the creature, and the creature seeks the Creator, and the attribute of the seeker is known, and the result cannot be denied, so it is necessary for the knower because the divine truths require him, and we have shown you that the reasonableness of his being an entity is what the reasonableness of his being a god is. Rank, and there is nothing in concrete existence except the eye. Insofar as i

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