The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

According to the extent of their knowledge of it, the most ignorant of it and confusion about it is the greatest in knowledge of it. And if you do not obtain the guardianship of God’s guardian by attributing God to that particular guardian so that you differentiate between His attribution, Glory be to Him, to you and His ascription by God Almighty to that guardian, then what is your guardianship over Him as a whole, then the truth will speak to you on the tongue of that guardian in what He listens to benefit you from knowledge that you did not have or to remind you, and you listen to him. If you are a guardian, your guardianship bears witness, so you hear with the truth, since he heard you what the truth speaks on the tongue of that guardian. So the matter is like someone speaking to himself by himself, so the speaker is the eye of the listener, and this is a taste that everyone finds from himself and does not know what it is. Except for the one who bears witness to the matter as

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And know that when God attributed divinity to desire and made it corresponding to it, He said to His Prophet, peace be upon him, David, “Judge between the people with truth, and do not follow desire.” And He said, “Have you seen someone who takes his desire as his god, and desire is nothing but the will of the servant if it violates the lawful balance that God has set for him in this world, and it has been decided His saying: “And you do not will except that God wills.” You know who rules with his desires, and for this reason he said, “And God led him astray with knowledge,” meaning his confusion, for knowledge of God necessitated for him confusion about God, since there is no judge except God.

He shook the earth with its tremor *** and He said to us, “What is it, what is it?”

If eyes looked, they would realize *** Her Lord when He revealed to her

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And know that since the matter was limited to four realities: the first, the last, the apparent, and the hidden, and the origin of knowledge was based on quadrature, there was no one in the path of God Almighty who was empowered except he who witnessed the square in himself and his actions, so he established the obligatory duties, which is the first residence, and he established the voluntary prayers, which is the second residence, in its outward and inward aspects. If the ruling on this is in the outward and in the hidden, then the ruling of God pervades its origin. If this is witnessed by a taste from Himself, He knows what this matter will produce for it. It has six sides in its outward appearance, and the six have perfection, because they are the first complete number. If one-sixth of it is added to a third and a half of it, it is like a whole, and the heart has six faces for each side. A facet of the heart is the eye of that side. With that eye, he perceives the truth if it i

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On the authority of some knowledgeable people, and I saw it quoted on the authority of Abu Yazid al-Bistami, that he said in some of his scenes with the truth, in any circumstance, my selfishness, your selfishness. That is, just as what is applied to the implicit noun in its true nature, so also what is like the apparent name and not like the apparent description is applied to you, and this is exactly what we said .

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