The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By the necessity of existence for Your own sake, so I said, “I have a light in which there is no darkness.” I was told, “You will never find it.” So I said, “Then I will never see my Creator, for He is pure light and pure existence.” So I was told, “You will never see it except from yourself. For this reason, you will never see it in a single form, so you will not comprehend it, so it will not be beautiful.” He bears witness as He himself bears witness, for He is independent of the worlds. What can be inferred from it except by Him, so it is not known except by means of revelation and witnesses, as we have mentioned. As for theoretical evidence, only His ruling is known, not His eye. For this reason, the mind judges, with its evidence, what this necessary existent requires of what the possible lacks in it. Destiny indicates it and the witnesses give it a rank above this that is tasted and cannot be transmitted or told. So when God made my self bear witness to me and made my body w

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And know what type of human being you are, for you are ready to accept perfection if you are rational, and for this reason you must be alerted and informed by the world. If you were not prepared to accept perfection, then the warning would not be valid, and making that known would be futile and invalid. Do not blame anyone but yourself for not accepting what you have been called to, for the one who calls is what called. Except for insight, so that He may join you with Himself in insight. So if you know this and I bear witness to the Truth, the relation of the world to you, it remains for you to know the relation of the Truth to you and your relation to Him. So the Truth made me stop attributing the divine names to me, so that I may obtain the intended form, so that it applies to all the divine names that are applied to Him, the Almighty, and I do not miss a name from them in any way. Faces

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Know that since the name indicated what was called by virtue of correspondence, so nothing other than its name could be understood from it, its essence was in another form called a name, so the name is a name for it and for its name, and God Almighty wanted it to be known, as we have defined it, by occurring knowledge in order to complete the levels of knowledge, and existence is completed by the existence of what is created, and it is not possible for a thing to be known. - Except for himself or something like him, so the created being that God creates for knowledge of it must be in a created form in order for it to be like something like him, for the perfect human being is one reality, and if there is in a person whatever is in excess of the one, then it is one essence. And he said about it, there is nothing like it, so He made it an example. He denied that it should be similar, so when he set it up in existence as an example, the divine names were traded to him by virtue of ide

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