The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In such a situation, he is forced to want to have intercourse, and the ruling of his will does not become apparent except through intercourse, and intercourse does not occur except after the spread and presence of desire, and then he protects himself from the one who is forcing him to do so, and he threatens to kill him if he does not do so, so the coercion in such a situation is valid in secret, unlike disbelief, for he is content. It is in it outwardly, and if the inwardly contradicts it, then the adulterer desires and hates that desire, then he is a believer. If it were not that desire is a desire to enjoy pleasure, we would say that he does not want what he desires .

Whoever desires the matter may We see him *** not wanting what he desired

but he was forced and desired it *** apparently when he saw it

So tell him to take shel

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Thus, the Preserver’s survival in existence was that Preserver of whatever universes existed. Preservation is God’s creation, so preservation is attributed to Him, because entities that exist by themselves are capable of preservation, unlike the possible things that do not exist by themselves, for they do not accept preservation, accept existence, and do not accept permanence, for they have nothing but time in existence. Its existence then ceases to exist, and what is related to preservation is only the second time that follows the time of its existence, and whatever exceeds it, God is a guardian and watcher, and the eye that exists by itself is preserved and watched, and the preserver of the universe is the guardian of the time of its existence, and the truth is monitored by fatha al-qāf for the servant, not preserved for him, for he does not accept that he be preserved, for he is the eternal one who has no equal. You see him saying to his Prophet, peace be upon him, what he says

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Their truth is valid in all existing things, above and below, and in meaning and sense, and through them God preserved knowledge for the world, and for this reason

It was mentioned in the report about him, may God bless him and grant him peace, that they restricted knowledge to writing

Hence God wrote the Torah with His own hand. From this presence, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and all the messengers, peace be upon him, took the Book of Revelation, and he said, “ honorable scribes who know what you do.” He said, “in a book. He does not leave out a small or a great thing without counting them.” He said, “And We have recorded all things in a clear Imam,” and he said, in a book. Hidden and said in noble, raised pages Purified by the hands of a messenger, and he said, “And We write down what they have brought forward and their traces, and the books are the dhammah, and from it the battalion was called a battalion because of the joining

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