The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In his appearance there is a spirit, a body, an image, and the meaning of sleeping, not dead, and his spirit, which is Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is from the world in the form of the place in which he is, the human soul when sleeping until the day of resurrection, which is like the sleeper’s wakefulness here. Rather, we said about Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. And he praised the designation. He is the spirit who is the speaking soul in the world when he gave him the revelation and his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he is the master of people.

And the world of people, for he is the person who is major in crime and the first in leveling and amending to reveal from him the picture of the upbringing of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He was blessed just as God shaped and modified the human body before the existence of his spirit, then breathed into him from his spirit a spirit that made him

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And know that since man is an example of the divine image, he is like a shadow of the person who does not depart from him in any case, except that he sometimes appears to the senses and sometimes is hidden, so if he is hidden, he is intelligible in him, and if he appears, he is witnessed by sight to whoever sees him, then the perfect human being in truth is intelligible in him, like a shadow if it is hidden in the sun, then it is not He appears, and man has not ceased from time to time and for this reason he was witnessed to the truth from the fact that he was described as having sight, so when he extended the shadow from him, he appeared in his form. Have you not seen to your Lord how He extends the shadow, and if He had willed, He could have made it stationary, i.e. fixed, in the One whose shadow it is, so He does not extend it, and no eye appears to Him in sensory existence except For God alone, He has not ceased to be with God, and He is still with God, for He is eternal throu

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