The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Forgiveness except for sin, where he attached it and said about another class of angels that they ask forgiveness for those on earth, so these people sent down forgiveness in its place, what they said, just as that other class about whom God told us said, that they ask forgiveness for those who believe, so their paths were diverse, as they said, and none of us is but him. He has a known station, and And me The perfect one calls on God in every position and tongue, and the messengers stop at what He revealed to them, and they are many, and some of them may be revealed to others, and the Muhammadi combines in his rank all that was dispersed among the messengers in terms of supplication by Him, so he is absolute in supplication with every tongue because he is commanded to believe in the messengers and in what was revealed to them, so the guardian did not stop. Muhammad, with a special revelation, except in ruling on what is permissible and forbidden, and as for supplication and what

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Then know that it is part of God’s mercy upon His servants that He places the ruling on what they disagreed upon up to God, so we take this from the point of view of the science of diagrams, that we look at what they disagreed about and disputed. If God and His Messenger had a ruling on it that supports the statement of one of the dissenters, we place the truth in His hand, then we are commanded to dispute over something. That we return it to God and His Messenger if we are believers, and if we are knowledgeable of those who call upon us with insight and with clear knowledge from our Lord, then we judge the issue with knowledge, and it is a return to God Almighty from other than the path of faith, and it is not for us to evade it at all. This is the limit of formal knowledge, and as for the knowledge of truth, those who differ, their ruling is up to God. That is, the ruling on the appearance of differences in them regarding God, in that the divine names are the cause of the differ

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These are the rights that work demands are specific, and it is a ruling that applies in ancient times and modernity. Anyone who does a work for someone else is entitled to a wage for it, and wages are of two types, moral and tangible. If someone hires someone to do a work and he does it, then the worker has made a right upon the one who does it for him, which is called a wage and a duty. The employer must fulfill that right and deliver it to him, and the lessor has the choice to use the employee in the apparent sense, he is forced in the interior, and the employee has the choice in accepting the use in some jobs and is forced in some jobs, and the rule of choice is removed from him, because he has the right not to accept if he wants, and to accept if he wants, so he has a choice in the apparent situation. He is compelled inwardly, like the one who is rented to him, whether he is the first employee to appear in existence due to the lack of the possible in existence, which is the wo

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