The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

One over the other and the disparity appears in it. Know that if the human soul speaks of God, if He wants good for it, He reveals to it the utterance of all parts of its body, all of them, praising and praising God with His praise, not with praise on its own, and you do not see in them apathy or heedlessness. Nor was she preoccupied, and she saw herself as neglectful of the remembrance that God Almighty required of her, excessively preoccupied with God with her own purposes, focusing on the things that withheld her from God and stopping at His limits, so the world became great to her, and she knew that it was the rituals of God that she must honor and the sanctities of God, and her soul became small to her, and she knew that if she were to be separated from her body, she would not Her body was one of the things that complemented her during her upbringing, so she knew that the body that managed her was more honorable than her. When she learned that that body was more honora

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And know that if God Almighty mentions something to you in the third person pronoun, it is not absent from Him. Rather, He has regard to the person being addressed, which is you, and what is mentioned is absent from you. So if He mentions it in the presence pronoun, referring to Him and other things, then He only takes care of you and consideration of His witnesses is necessary in every case, but He differentiates between what God relates. The sayings of those who said and between the words that he says from himself. If the truth is the servant’s hearing and sight, the backbiting against the servant is removed, and then he is not being addressed by what contains a third person pronoun. The addressee was found for the one whose description is in the third person pronoun. So what is the matter? We said when the servant to whom the Qur’an was revealed was commanded to convey it to those in charge. And He explained to the people what was revealed to them and of the things that were wi

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