The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Until the Day of Resurrection, which is the manifestation that has no opposite, and its counterpart is concealment, so whoever is healthy and afflicted according to what is judged in it of the names until the appointed term, then the mercy that encompasses all things will be spread from the Most Gracious, who has ascended upon the Throne, so the blessings will spread throughout the world and the rulings of the names will be revealed through additions and occasions. In contrast, the matter would be like their saying: The good deeds of the righteous are the bad deeds of the close ones and the bliss of the lowest. If after tasting the highest bliss he was given the highest, he would be tormented by losing it, not by the presence of the lowest bliss for not being satisfied with it. It is an appropriate punishment and in addition to the permanence of the rule of the divine names always. Have you seen a person of a high status as a sultan whom another sultan removed from his kingdom and

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Then know that the manifestation that we are dealing with is divided into two parts. One has its own appearance and does not have a matter on which its appearance depends on it from the side of the truth, and another section has from the side of the truth a matter that depends on it. This is only for the perfect human being in particular, for he has the appearance and dependency due to the being of the form. God preserves him wherever he is, and other than the perfect human being, he has appearances, including humans, animals, plants, celestial bodies, kingdoms, and other things. These are all blessings that the Truth has revealed so that the perfect human being can enjoy them. They have manifestation and do not depend on them, because they are intended for things other than their specific beings, and the perfect human being is intended for his own eyes because he is apparent in the divine image, and he is the apparent and the hidden, so he is not the essence of what is revealed.

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