The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Which is what the angels are, expressed in terms of wings, as God Almighty said, “He makes the angels messengers, endowed with two, three, or four wings.” It has been confirmed in the report that Gabriel has six hundred wings.

This spiritual power does not have the power to control every angel. Above the station of its owner, like a bird with us that descends to a lower place and ascends higher, and the wings of angels only descend to one who is below them, and they do not have the power to ascend above their station, so if you descend with them from their station to a level below it, they return higher than that to which they descended to their station, and do not exceed it, so they were not given wings. Except for the sake of descending, just as the bird is not given a wing except for the sake of ascending. If it descends, it descends by its nature, and if it rises, it rises with its wing, and the angel is the opposite. If it descends, it descends with its wing, and if

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Know that the angels have runways and ascents upon which they ascend, and none of the angels ascends except the one who descends, in which case his ascension is a return unless the Most High God wills, so there is no prohibition on him. Rather, our speech is about falling into existence. Rather, the descent of the angels to us is called ascension, and ascension is only for the seeker of height, because God is in all things. It exists with a manifestation and a face specific to Him that He preserves, especially since He mentioned that He, Glory be to Him, encompasses the heart of His believing servant, and since the Truth, Glory be to Him, has the attribute of transcendence in all, whether He manifests Himself at the bottom or at the height, then His transcendence belongs to Him, and the angels have been given knowledge of His majesty by God such that when they turn from their position, they turn only to God and not to anyone else. They have a view of the truth in everything to whi

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Then God has appointed for the messengers ascents upon which they ascend, which are the ascents of the angels, and He has appointed for the followers of the messengers ascents upon which they ascend, and they are the followers of the followers. For the Messenger is a follower of the king, and the guardian is a follower of the Messenger, and for this reason it was said to the Messenger: “Do not hasten with the Qur’an before its revelation is completed to you, for it is a source that follows the king, and we With the Messenger in this manner, so if the angel sent down the revelation to the Messenger and he received it from him, the Messenger delivered it to the follower, who is the companion, and he received it from him. If the angel ascended, he ascended by himself because he returned to his origin. He was carried by me from his ascension, so the Messenger’s ascension was distinguished from the angel’s ascension. Then, when he reached the place beyond which the Buraq could not go b

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