The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The total, which is the first, and the word “man” was used according to what each sect believed. Then we disagreed about his honor. Is it inherent to him or is it a rank that he attained after his appearance in his eyes and his complete status in humanity, either through knowledge or through caliphate and imamate? Whoever says that he is honorable in and of itself looks at God’s creation. It is with his own hands and he did not combine that with other created beings, and he said that he created him in his own image. This is the argument of the one who says his honor is an intrinsic honor. And whoever contradicts this statement says that if he were honorable in and of himself, then if we saw his essence we would know his honor. This is not the case, and a great and honorable person would not be distinguished by his knowledge and character. On other people, and they are united by the subjective definition, it indicates that a person’s honor is a temporary matter called status or ran

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Man, indeed, We created him before, and he was not a thing. He said, “Has there ever come upon man a period of time when he was not anything mentioned?” meaning, has he come upon man. And the angels said about him regarding his essence what they said, and they were true. He did not know his honor except by what God gave him of knowledge and caliphate. No creature has any honor. His self is above others, except by God’s honoring of him. And the highest rank in the eyes of God is that God preserves for His servant the witness of his servitude always, whether he has put on any of the divine garments or not. This is the most honorable status given to a servant, and it is His Almighty’s saying, “And I created you for myself,” and His saying, Glory be to Him, “Glory be to Him who has taken His servant captive,” so he combined with it his integrity. He said Some of the lovers in this position

Do not call me anyone but her servant *** for he

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And know that the path upon which, if you walk, and upon which God makes your feet firm until He brings you to Paradise, is the path of guidance that you have created for yourself in the abode of this world of good deeds, both apparent and hidden. In this abode, by virtue of the meaning, no physical image will be seen for it, so on the Day of Resurrection, He will provide you with a tangible bridge over it. The body of Hell has its beginning in the situation and its end at the gate of Paradise. You know when you see it that it is your creation and your construction, and you know that it was in this world stretched out as a bridge on the board of Hell. Your nature is in its length, width, depth, and three prongs, since your body was the shadow of your reality, and it is a shadow that is not shady and does not enrich it from the flames, but rather it is He who He leads it to the flame of ignorance and kindles its fire in it. The perfect human being hastens his resurrection in the pl

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