The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because of the greatness of the matter and its hardship, remembering is sufficient, and the basis of this is to place a veil between the world and God in the place of obligation, since sins and transgressions are destined in the knowledge of God, so they must necessarily occur on the part of the servant. If they occurred with manifestation and revelation, it would be an exaggeration of the lack of modesty before God, as He witnesses it and sees it, and fate is decreeing it to happen, so he has mercy on creation for the great affliction. Do you not see them in the matters planned by the mind that are based on rational payment? If God wanted to effect His decree and destiny in a matter, He concealed in that matter His wisdom and knowledge that He had bestowed upon it, which is not required by the consideration of reason. So if He fulfills it, He returns to them their minds so that they may know. God had mercy on them with the disappearance of reason at that time in order to raise th

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Among what is included in this verse is the difference between the attachment of His knowledge, Glory be to Him, to what the servant pleases in himself and what he expresses and displays. Is this due to one or two ratios? And related to this chapter is what the Truth desires.

With the Almighty’s saying: “Whoever remembers Me in himself, I will remember him.” In Myself, and whoever remembers Me in an assembly, I will mention him in a better assembly than them.

These are two cases in remembrance and knowledge. So know that the Truth, Glory be to Him, has an unseen and a manifest, so what is unseen has the hidden name, and it is His servant’s mention of it within himself and his knowledge of what pleases Him, and with that name is the servant’s secret. The one who teaches him the truth, and the remembrance of the soul by which the servant remembers his Lord and by what He has the manifestation of the apparent name, which is His remembrance of His servant, the Almigh

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Mary said that out of shyness towards the people when she learned of the purity of her home and her fathers, so she was afraid of bringing disgrace to them because of it, and when we mentioned that the world was hidden in the unseen of God and that unseen was like a shadow to a person, so if a matter were completely stripped of the shadow, it would emerge in the form of a shadow and the shadow on The image of what is a shadow of him, so what emerges from the shadow that has been peeled from it is in the image of the person. Do you not see the day when it was peeled from the night? It appeared as light, so the things that were hidden at night appeared. They appeared with the light of the day. The day did not resemble the night, and it resembled the light in the appearance of things through it. For the night was the shadow of the light and the day came out when it was peeled off. From the night in the form of light, likewise the world in its emergence from the unseen emerged in the

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Know that people differed on this issue based on what we mentioned in detail, and the investigation into that is with us that the spirits who control the forms existed in the presence of beauty, not being detailed for their specific aspects, but they are detailed in the presence of God in His knowledge, so they were in the presence of beauty like letters that are present by force in ink, and they were not distinguished for themselves, even though they were distinct. With God, it is detailed in its generality, so when the pen writes on the tablet, the forms of the letters appear detailed after they were made in ink, so it is said: This is Alif, B, C, and D in the simple ones, and they are the souls of the simple ones. And it is said: This rose, and this is Zaid, and this came out, and this is Amr, which are the souls of composite bodies. And when God changed the forms of the world. Any scholar who wills, the spirit of all is like the pen, and the writing oath, and the spirits are l

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