The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Heat and moisture, and His form was established in the aerosol by cold and dryness, and He made it, I mean this spherical body, in the shape of a bed, and He created four bearers for it in effect as long as the world lasts, and four more by power, combining these four and the other four on the Day of Resurrection, so the total will be eight, and He called it the Throne and made it the source of mercy, so He leveled it with His name, the Most Gracious. And He made it encompassing all that it contains of the kingdom, biased, accepting connection and separation, and the age of the entity, circumstantial and spatial, and the rank of what was above it was between it and the blind, above which there is air and what is below it is air, and it belongs to the name Lord, and God is the comprehensive name that dominates all the divine names, so its dominant attribute and the word is united in the throne, so it is the first. The existences that the world of bodies accepted and then created an

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If he succeeds in performing it, he is unjust to others and to himself, and the person is ignorant of that of himself and of its value, and if he knows its value, then he does not know what God knows about him being successful in performing it. Rather, he is ignorant, as God testified about him. So the person’s acceptance of the trust was voluntary, not forced, so he betrayed it because he was obliged to do so. To himself, and he carried the earth and the sky for it by force, not by choice, so God enabled them to deliver it to its people, protecting them from betrayal and abandonment of man.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Whoever asks for the emirate will be entrusted to it, and whoever is given it without request, God will send or entrust God grants him an angel who directs him.

Among the honor of the earth, the sky, and the mountains over man is God’s saying about them: “If We had sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you woul

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One of the honors of the jinn over us

is that when the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited Surat Al-Rahman to his companions while they were listening, he said to them, “I recited it to your brothers among the jinn, and they were better at listening to it than you.” He mentioned the hadith and in it, so what I said to them, then by what are the favors of your Lord. You deny, unless they say, “Not with any of Your blessings, our Lord, we lie.”

So see what informed them of the facts of what they were addressed to, how they responded with the same thing as what they were addressed with, even by the name “Lord,” and they did not say, “O our God” or anything else, and they did not say anything of it, but rather they said. Of those blessings, as they were told, due to the possibility that the conscience refers to a specific blessing in that verse, and they want all the blessings until belief is widespread, so the person is attached to all of these in

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