The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

We take from the meaning of the Sharia what we add to this God in terms of names and rulings, so we are commanded to know Him, Glory be to Him, by law and reason, and it is the correct one, for the Sharia is not proven except by reason. If it were not so, everyone would say in the truth whatever he wanted of what the minds transmit and what they do not, and they may not. They did that while believing in the law, and they entered into interpretation in matters that they had no need for, and if they dispensed with it, reason would not demand that of them, nor would the law ask them about abandoning that. Rather, the law would ask them about doing that while they were in danger, and there is no argument against someone who remained silent unless he was obligated to speak about what he remained silent about, and it has been included. In this speech, all that we mentioned in the poem at the beginning of the chapter is that all of the matters enumerated in it require divine truths upon

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Know that the light spread out on the earth, which is from the sun’s rays spreading through the air, has no existential reality except through the light of perceiving sight. Therefore, if the two eyes meet, the eye of the sun and the eye of sight, the visible objects are illuminated, and it is said that the sun has spread over them. Therefore, that radiance disappears in the presence of the obstructing clouds, because the eye has separated. This other eye is in the presence of the clouds, and it is a very ambiguous issue, because I say that if the sun were in the atmosphere of the sky and there was no eye in the world that could see from any animal, it would not have a spread beam on the earth at all. The light of every creature is limited to itself and no one else is enlightened by it. So the existence of our sight and the existence of the sun together is clearer. The spread light does not see the colors inverted in a single body that is colored green, for example, or red, if the

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