The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The light, which is knowledge, saw his hand, which is his power, and he knew that universal power is the power of truth to lift up the accumulated darknesses that were one on top of the other. This is why the comparison occurred with the deepest darkness, for the darkness of the atmosphere is coupled with it, the darkness of the sea is coupled with it, the darkness of the waves is coupled with it, the darkness of the accumulation of waves is coupled with it. The clouds obscure the lights of the planets, so the light remains visible neither in his eyes nor in any of his areas. The darkness of the night is the darkness of nature, the darkness of the sea is the darkness of ignorance and he has lost knowledge, the darkness of thought is the darkness of waves, and the darkness of accumulating waves is the darkness of overlapping thoughts in similarity, and the darkness of clouds is the darkness of disbelief. Whoever combines these darknesses has lost. Our loss is clear, and this is the

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As for what this verse contains of the knowledge of revealing the degrees of divine closeness to the presence of the tongue, know that this is the knowledge of the knowledge of the Lawgiver translated from God, who has commanded us to believe in His decisive and similar matter, and let us accept everything that He brings, if we interpret any of that as the intention of the one speaking it in the same matter. The degree of faith has disappeared from us, for the evidence is a ruling on goodness, so it invalidates the ruling of faith, and the correct knowledge came from the believer, saying to the owner of this evidence. As for the certainty from you that this which gave you your insight is the intention of the one who made it clear by what he made clear, then it is the essence of ignorance and the loss of correct knowledge, and if it comes across knowledge, then faith has disappeared from you, and happiness is linked. By faith and by correct knowledge from knowledge, and correct kno

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As for the knowledge of the coexistence of the two cognates, know that Abu Saeed Al-Kharraz was asked, “How do you know God?” He said, “By combining the two opposites,” he recited, “He is the first and the last.” That is, He is the first to identify what is last and apparent in terms of what is hidden, because the truth in his case is one, and every two opposites are cognates, and this is not understood. From the power of the mind, for the power of the mind does not give it. Rather, this is realized from the station behind the stage of the mind, which was from that stage. He gave the duties their obligation, the permissible things their permissibility, the impossible ones their referral, and the singularities their singularity. He is the one who made the one one, just as He made the necessary obligatory by giving it its obligation, and it is not in the power of the mind to realize what we have mentioned. Wherever he thought, this is true, divine, not rational knowledge. If two opp

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As for knowing the necessary connection and the description of the one who was given the position of this connection from those close to them like them who did not give it, then know that connection is a fire that strikes the hearts of lovers, burning everything it finds except the Beloved, and it may disappear at times in the form of the Beloved from the soul of the lover, and this is the time that seeks The lover can imagine his beloved, but he is not able to imagine him or establish his image due to the power of the burning power of the flame of the fire of love, so in that case it is said of him as a “conqueror,” and this is what the one who said his statement intended .

I bid farewell to my burning heart. I bid farewell to *** yourself being hurt, you are in my ribs.

And throw the arrows of love or hold them back. *** You, by what you throw, hurt me. < /p p>

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