The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They have lost something in it, so they turn to God to remove it. It is from that truth that is hidden in them, in a state in which there is no physical compulsion in that sense, that they attain these secrets, even if they are wretched. Their attainment of them increases their misery, since they recognized the one in whose hand is power, and they turned away from it and worked for other things. They set him up as a god with their own hands and the hands of someone of their kind, and his inability appeared to them, and they persisted in their wrongdoing, as God Almighty said: “In their transgression they become blind.”

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And know that the proof of God in His servants is divided into two parts. One part is the true proof, which is the Almighty’s saying, “Whoever is upon proof from his Lord” means in himself. As for the one for whom proof is established in others, he may accept it or he may not accept it, and whoever accepts it if he accepts it is imitation. Is there not a clear sign against him and it does not benefit him? Rather, imitation is based on the rulings that the Messenger brings, not on the evidence and evidence of his truthfulness. And if he does not accept it as imitation, then he does not accept it unless he is upon clear proof from his Lord that this is a clear sign of the truthfulness of the claim of the Prophet. I appeared at his hands in what he claimed, and I learned from this that something does not benefit you unless it is in you, and does not harm you unless it is in you. This is why we say in many of our words that the reality of suffering is the presence of pain in you, not

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And know, after you have decided this, that the matter which the truth has declared to be clear to you from Him is an ambassador from God to your heart from what is hidden in its unseen, and is specific to you in the presence of the Divine Speech and the declaration from God is that it is from Him, so take it and see what it accepts, accept it and what it indicates, then rely. On it and what it denies, deny it, just as the thinker does in his evidence. However, the thinker may take as evidence what is not evidence in the matter itself, and he may take as evidence what is evidence in the same matter, but in view of the power of reason, he has given what is in his power, so it is never, insofar as it is reason, anything other than This is evidence, and it is evidence, and the one with clear proof from his Lord is upon a light from God and a straight path. He does not know things by it except as things are. He does not accept resemblance except a resemblance, a taste of its form, and

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