The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He adds it to the power by which creation and making occur, and the divine books are charged with this and this position contains them. What is correct about this is that if existing beings are as has been mentioned, they have fixed entities as long as they are characterized by nothingness, which is for the possible, not for the impossible, then just as He brought them into existence, clothed them in His state, and stripped them of the state of nothingness. Thus, it is called created, and this entity is called existing, and it is not far-fetched that He could return it to that from which it came out, which is the state of non-existence, so truth is described as having no existence for it, and it is described as non-existent, and it is not subject to knowledge of what quality this happened. If we ask, we attach the occurrence of the two matters and the two states to will, and the two opponents accept that. And if we ask about attaching that The eye by existence, we attribute that t

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Know that just as viewing by the light of the sun includes all visible things, despite their abundance and distance, in not an extended period of time, but rather the same time of the glimpse, the time of extending light to visible things, the same time of sight’s perception has an exact time, and knowledge is attached to what sight perceives without temporal order or extension, even if the order is reasonable. Just as the order of cause and effect with their coexistence in existence, likewise the moment, strike, or throw includes the knowledge that God has deposited in it, so if it falls from the striker, thrower, or observer, he realizes from the knowledge all that is in the power of that strike, just as a moment in the light of the sun gives all that is in the power of that moment. The visible objects, not the shortcomings of strike and other things, for they contain an infinite number of sciences, just as the sun shines on more than what sight can perceive. Rather, the shortco

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