The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

No one knows them except them and those who cut them off from His creation to Himself. God Almighty said in the meaning, “And they have not appreciated God as He deserves.” And these people have a great share in this verse, since their ignorance is general and specific, Muslim and non-Muslim. They are grudges protected by the veil of jealousy. Only the truth knows them. Do they know each other in it? It stops and they are what is sought. Of the servants, God has joined us to them, and I hope that I will be one of them. As for the Muslim’s disavowal from those on whom the polytheist relied, his disavowal is only based on the lineage and from the person attributed to him, not from the attribute. So the polytheist and the Muslim came together in the lineage and they separated in the lineage attributed to him and the lineage. This is why the jizya is not imposed on the polytheist and there is a difference between him and the infidels from the People of the Book. The status is that the

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And know that every polytheist is an infidel. The polytheist, by following his desires in the one who associates polytheism and taking him as a god, and turning away from the oneness of God, conceals it from looking at the evidence and verses that lead to the monotheism of God, so he is called an infidel for that concealment, both apparent and hidden. He is called a polytheist because he attributed divinity to other than God along with God, so he made two ascriptions to it, so polytheist. This is the difference between a polytheist and an infidel. As for the infidel who is not a polytheist, he is a monotheist except that he is a disbeliever in the Messenger and in some of his book. His disbelief is in two ways. The one aspect is that his disbelief in what came from God is like the polytheist’s disbelief in the monotheism of God. The other aspect is that he is knowledgeable in the Messenger of God and in what came from God. From God, and He hides that from the common people and the

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And know that the sigh and the call are an indication of distance from the state to which the one who calls him for it calls him, so he says, “O you who have believed,” because of their distance from what He intended for them to believe in. Therefore, “what about them?” If they were immediately described by what He called them to, then the distance relates to the future time in their case, meaning, be steadfast on the matter. Your state, which religion has approved, is for you in the future, as Jacob said to his sons: “And you shall not die unless you have submitted to Islam in the state of your life.” He commanded them to embrace Islam in the future, that is, to remain firm on it and to receive it far from the time of the present. Thus, the belief in what is present in the present moment also means that it will remain in the future. God Almighty said, “O you who have believed.” Fulfill the contracts while they are in the state of fulfilling the contract of faith, for in his wande

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And know that the divine call extends to the believer, the unbeliever, the obedient, the disobedient, the souls, and the spiritual, and the call only comes from the divine names. The divine name calls out whoever has been judged by a divine name other than it, if he knows that the period of his rule over him has ended, and this name that called him will take him as well in this world and in the hereafter, so all who are besides God. God Almighty is a caller who calls him the name of God due to a cosmic state by which he asks him to bring him to Him. If he answers, he is called obedient and happy, and if he does not answer, he is called disobedient .

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