The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Indeed, your plot is great, and I do not deny it, given that a woman’s mind is weaker than a man’s, for women are deficient in reason, so what do you think of the strength of a man? The reason for this is that human development gives slowness in matters, patience, thought, and planning due to the predominance of the two elements, water and dirt, over his temperament, so he has an abundant mind because the dirt dampens it and holds it, and the water softens it. He makes it easy for him, but the jinn is not like that, for his mind has nothing to hold him to that hold that a human being has, and for this reason it is said that so-and-so is light-minded and foolish-minded if he is of weak opinion and foolishness, and this is the description of the jinn and with it he strayed from the path of guidance due to the lightness of his mind and lack of stability in his view, so he said, “I am better than him,” so he combined ignorance and bad manners. Because of its lightness

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So whoever of the jinn disobeyed was a devil, meaning he was estranged from the mercy of God. He was the first to be called a devil from among the jinn, Al-Harith, so God made him blind, meaning he expelled him from His mercy and expelled mercy from him, and from him all the devils branched out. So whoever of them believed, such as Hamah bin Ilham bin Laqis bin Satan, joined the believers from among the jinn. Whoever remains in his disbelief is a devil, and it is a matter of disagreement among Sharia scholars. Some of them said that the devil never converts to Islam and interpreted

His saying, peace be upon him, regarding his devil, who is the companion entrusted to him, that God helped him in it, so he became a Muslim.

It was narrated by raising the mim and opening it as well, so this speaker interpreted the nominative as saying, “So he was safe from him,” meaning he had no path. This is how the dissenter interpreted it, and the fatha interpreted it as submissio

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Most people claim that he is the first of the jinn in the same position as Adam was among the people, but this is not the case with us. Rather, he is one of the jinn, and the first among them is in the position of Adam among humans, but he is other than him. For this reason, God Almighty said, “Except Iblis, he is of the jinn, that is, of this type of created beings, just as Cain was of the jinn.” Humans and God wrote him wretched, for he is the first of the wretched among the humans, and Iblis is the first of the wretched among the jinn, and the torment of the devils is among the jinn in Hell most of all is by smelting, not by burning, and he may be tormented by fire, and the sons of Adam are most tormented by fire. One day I stood upon a fool of mind among the saints, and his eyes filled with tears as he told the people, “Do not stand by what he says.” God Almighty, I will fill Hell with you for Iblis only. Rather, look at His reference, Glory be to Him, to you when He says to I

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The first in it was separated from the first existing and the last in it was separated from the last separate from it, and what is the age of the place from which it is separated from both of them, and how God prepared this kingdom until its king came, and what is the rank of the world that existed between Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them, which is the time of the period

Kingship: If kingship did not exist, they would not have known *** and there would not be an attribute of what He has.

The cycle of kingship is proof of it, therefore *** its two sides met like this, revealed

So its last was like its first *** and its first was like its predecessor

And when it was completed with the seal, its King, the Master of God, acknowledged it

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Know, may God help you, that

It was reported in the report that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “I am the master of the children of Adam, and there is no pride.”

With “ra,” and in a narration with “zay,” which is bragging about falsehood, and in Sahih Muslim, “I am master.” People on the Day of Resurrection

So his sovereignty and honor over his fellow human beings was confirmed, and he, peace be upon him, said, “I was a prophet, and Adam was between water and clay,”

He meant knowledge of that, so God Almighty informed him of his rank, and he was a spirit before he created bodies.

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