The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ Satan is the first of the wretched among the jinn ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 134 من الجزء One

Most people claim that he is the first of the jinn in the same position as Adam was among the people, but this is not the case with us. Rather, he is one of the jinn, and the first among them is in the position of Adam among humans, but he is other than him. For this reason, God Almighty said, “Except Iblis, he is of the jinn, that is, of this type of created beings, just as Cain was of the jinn.” Humans and God wrote him wretched, for he is the first of the wretched among the humans, and Iblis is the first of the wretched among the jinn, and the torment of the devils is among the jinn in Hell most of all is by smelting, not by burning, and he may be tormented by fire, and the sons of Adam are most tormented by fire. One day I stood upon a fool of mind among the saints, and his eyes filled with tears as he told the people, “Do not stand by what he says.” God Almighty, I will fill Hell with you for Iblis only. Rather, look at His reference, Glory be to Him, to you when He says to I


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