Kingship: If kingship did not exist, they would not have known *** and there would not be an attribute of what He has.

The cycle of kingship is proof of it, therefore *** its two sides met like this, revealed

So its last was like its first *** and its first was like its predecessor

And when it was completed with the seal, its King, the Master of God, acknowledged it

Kingship: If kingship did not exist, they would not have known *** and there would not be an attribute of what He has.

The cycle of kingship is proof of it, therefore *** its two sides met like this, revealed

So its last was like its first *** and its first was like its predecessor

And when it was completed with the seal, its King, the Master of God, acknowledged it

“ Chapter Ten” on knowing the cycle of kingship

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Ten” on knowing the cycle of kingship

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 134 من الجزء One

The first in it was separated from the first existing and the last in it was separated from the last separate from it, and what is the age of the place from which it is separated from both of them, and how God prepared this kingdom until its king came, and what is the rank of the world that existed between Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them, which is the time of the period

Kingship: If kingship did not exist, they would not have known *** and there would not be an attribute of what He has.

The cycle of kingship is proof of it, therefore *** its two sides met like this, revealed

So its last was like its first *** and its first was like its predecessor

And when it was completed with the seal, its King, the Master of God, acknowledged it


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