The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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In knowing the cycle of kingship, the first in it is separated from the first existing, and the last in it is separated from the last separate from it, and what is the lifespan of the place separated from them, and how God prepared this kingdom until its

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 134 من الجزء One

Indeed, your plot is great, and I do not deny it, given that a woman’s mind is weaker than a man’s, for women are deficient in reason, so what do you think of the strength of a man? The reason for this is that human development gives slowness in matters, patience, thought, and planning due to the predominance of the two elements, water and dirt, over his temperament, so he has an abundant mind because the dirt dampens it and holds it, and the water softens it. He makes it easy for him, but the jinn is not like that, for his mind has nothing to hold him to that hold that a human being has, and for this reason it is said that so-and-so is light-minded and foolish-minded if he is of weak opinion and foolishness, and this is the description of the jinn and with it he strayed from the path of guidance due to the lightness of his mind and lack of stability in his view, so he said, “I am better than him,” so he combined ignorance and bad manners. Because of its lightness


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