The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He greeted in the event that the friend was afraid for him and for himself, and he said to his friend, “He will make him safe and make him happy, since they are in the cave, and He is the veil of truth over them. Do not be sad, for God is with us.” So the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, stood in this news in the position of the truth in his company with Moses, Aaron, and the people of Manabah. This is how divine providence is. This is It is the light with which he seeks while he continues to seek, so the truth remains with him as a guardian and a supporter, not a forsaken one. This is why the news came to us from God on the tongue of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. If we perform voluntary good deeds and not their obligatory ones, we love the truth, so it is our ear with which we hear and our foot with which we strive for all. Our powers and our organs, this is what the voluntary acts of truth have bestowed upon us, so where are you regarding w

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As for the lights of names, they are those whose names reveal their truth and creation, which are related to the essence, attributes, and actions in the divine things, some of which are related to the types of possible things and their persons, some of which are the names that the Truth assigned to them and conveyed to them by the messengers, not what the terminology applied to, and these are the lights that were for Adam, peace be upon him, when he knew all the names. By the divine status, not by terminology, and in that is virtue and specialization, for God has names by which He created the angels and all of the world, and God has names by which He brought into existence the collector of the truths of the Divine Presence, which is the perfect human. This was evident in the text in Adam and hidden in others. So He said to the angels in the virtue of Adam and in the virtue of this station, and He brought to the angels the names, I mean. Their notables: Inform me of the names of th

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As for the lights of nature, they are lights by which their possessor reveals the forms that nature gives in aerosols and the forms that it gives in the general form, which is the form of the whole body. These lights, if they achieve perfection, connect the knowledge of their possessor to an infinite extent, and it is possible for us to fall, but for others, it is It is forbidden to fall into the mind, to the point that there is disagreement about God among them, and we have not seen anyone attaining perfection for him, nor have we heard of him, nor has it happened to us. And if a person claims it, it is a claim on which no evidence is based at all, even though it is possible for that to happen, and the lights of nature are included in everything other than the truth, and it is the same Most Merciful who God breathed it into the divine names, and God included it in the spheres, the pillars, and what is generated from persons to infinite amounts .

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