The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He creates it from clay and cooking, and the origin of Eve’s body was the origin of a carpenter in the images he carves in wood. When he carved her into the rib and established its image, straightened it and straightened it, he breathed into her of his spirit, and she arose as a speaking female serpent, to make her a place for planting and plowing. Because of the presence of germination, which is reproduction, he settled in her and she settled in him, and she was a garment for him and he was a garment for her. God Almighty said, “They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them,” and desire from him spread throughout all his parts, so he sought it.

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So when he had intercourse with her and put the water into the womb and circulated with that drop of water the menstrual blood that God had decreed for women, there would be a third body in that body other than the body of Adam and the body of Eve. This is the third body, so God took charge of it by growing in the womb, one state after another. By moving from water to sperm to leech to embryo to bone, then he covered the bone with flesh. When he completed his animal origin, he created another creation and breathed into him the human spirit. Blessed be God, the best of creators. If the matter had not been prolonged, we would have clearly shown his formation in the womb, one stage after another, and who is in charge of that among the angels entrusted with creating images in The wombs until the emergence, but the purpose was to inform that human bodies, even if they are the same in definition, reality, and sensory and moral images, the reasons for their formation are different, lest

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And when the naturalists said that nothing is formed from a woman’s water, and that the fetus in the womb is only from the man’s water, therefore we made the formation of Jesus’ body a different formation, even if its arrangement in the womb was the arrangement of the bodies of sons, and if it was from the woman’s water, then the soul was formed for her. Human beings are normal, or it was by blowing without water, then in every way it is a fourth body different in origin from other bodies of the kind. Therefore, God Almighty said, “The likeness of Jesus,” meaning the description of Jesus’ creation in the sight of God, is like the likeness of Adam. He created him from the dust. The conscience refers back to Adam, and the similarity occurred in His creation without a father, that is, the characteristic of his creation is the same as the characteristic of Adam’s creation, except that Adam created him from dust and then said to him, “Be.” Then, according to what was said, Jesus did no

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So, we have mentioned the beginning of human bodies, and that they are four bodies of different origins, as we have stated, and that it is the last of the generators, so it is the counterpart of the first mind, and with it it is linked because existence is a circle, so the beginning of the circle was the existence of the first mind, which was mentioned in the report that it is the first thing that God created the mind, so it is the first of the races and it ended. Creation to the human race, so the circle was completed and man was connected to the mind just as the end of the circle is connected to the first, so it was a circle. And between the two ends of the circle are all the species of the world that God created between the first mind, which is also the pen, and man, who is the other existent, and since the lines emerging from the point in the middle of the circle To the ocean from which it was created, it emerges equally for every part of the ocean. Likewise, the relationship

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However, God Almighty tested him with an affliction that He afflicts any of His creation, either to make him happy or to make him miserable according to what enables him to use it. So the affliction that He afflicted him with was that He created in him a power called thought and made this power the servant of another power called the mind and forced the mind with its sovereignty over it. Thought is to take from it what it gives, and He has not given thought any room except in imaginative power, and He, Glory be to Him, has made imaginative power a place.

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