The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The weakest and the front, which is what is next to the face and opposite to it is the back, which is what is next to the nape, its shape, its fairness and other things. Then the spirit added to it was blown into it, and upon this blowing into it, by flowing through its parts, the pillars of humor occurred, which are bile, black, blood, and phlegm, so the bile was from the fiery pillar from which God created it. In God Almighty’s saying, “From clay like pottery,” and the black was from the dirt, which is His saying, “He created it from dust,” and the blood was from the air, which is His saying, “Masnoon,” and the phlegm was from the water with which he kneaded the dirt and it became clay. Then he created in it the attractive force by which the animal attracts food, then the holding force, by which it holds what it feeds on. The animal, then the digestive force, with which it digests food, then the driving force, with which it expels wastes from itself, such as sweat, steam, wind,

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This chapter is specific to the beginning of human bodies, which are four types: the body of Adam, the body of Eve, the body of Jesus, and the bodies of the sons of Adam, and each of these four bodies has its creation that differs from the creation of the other in causality, with the coming together in the physical and spiritual form. Rather, we have mentioned this and drawn attention to it so that the weak-minded do not delude it. The divine power or the facts do not give rise to this human creation except through one cause that in itself gives this birth. God responded to this suspicion by making this human creation appear in Adam in a way in which the body of Eve did not appear, and He made Eve’s body appear in a way in which the body of a boy did not appear. Adam, and the body of the children of Adam appeared in a way in which the body of Jesus, peace be upon him, did not appear, and the name of man is given to each one of them, literally and in fact. This is so that it is kno

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And when Adam's body appeared, as we mentioned, and there was no desire for marriage in him, and he had previously established in the knowledge of truth the creation of generation, procreation, and marriage in this abode, but for the survival of the species, so he extracted from Adam's rib from the shortened Eve, and thus she fell short of the level of a man, as God Almighty said, and men have a degree above them, so what She would never join them, and she was from the rib because of the curvature in the ribs, so that she would be tender towards her child and her husband, so the man’s compassion for the woman is his compassion for himself because she is a part of him, and the woman’s compassion for the man is because she was created from the rib, and the rib has curvature and inflection .

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And God lived the place in Adam from which Eve emerged with desire for it, since there is no emptiness left in existence. So when He filled it with air, He yearned for it with His longing for Himself because it was a part of Him and yearned for it because it was its homeland in which it grew up. So Eve’s love is love for the homeland, and Adam’s love is love for himself, and therefore man’s love appears. To the woman, since she was his eye, and the woman was given the power expressed by modesty in loving the man, so she was empowered to hide, because the domicile is not united with it, the union of Adam with it, so he depicted in that rib all that he formed and created in Adam’s body, so the creation of Adam’s body in his form was like the creation of Al-Fakhouri in what ... p>

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