The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He is the spirit of truth in His saying, “If I fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, and he is the same as this soul, that form will accept him, and the acceptance of forms differs according to readiness. If the form is elemental and its fuse is ignited by that breath, it is called an animal at that ignition, and if no combustion appears for it and movement appears in the eye, which is An elemental form is called a plant, and if it does not appear to burn or move, I mean in the senses, and it is an elemental form, it is called a mineral, and an inanimate object. If the form is passive as a result of astronomical movement, it is called a pillar, and it is on four levels. Then a modified form of a plane is called a sky, and it is on seven levels. Then the Most Merciful, the Almighty, Himself is directed. In these forms, I lived a life that was not perceived by the senses, nor denied by faith or the soul. Therefore, combustion was not accepted. Every place that was in the

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From this chapter on the divine name that motivates and directs it to create the Preserved Tablet

which is the universal soul, which is the spirit that is blown out of it into the formed forms after their perfection has been modified, so God gives it with that blowing any form He wills from His saying in any form He wills, He has composed you and directs it to create Ha is from the letters and Ha is a metaphor and its direction is to create the ventricle from the preordained houses

Know that this soul is the Preserved Tablet

It is the first emanating existence and the first existence that existed at a cause and it is the first intellect and it exists from the divine command. The cause has a face to God that is specific to that face before existence, and He and every entity in the world has that face whether its existence has a created cause or not .

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And know that some of the causes are congenital and some are relative moral. Thus, congenital causes are like the existence of a created being, given the precedence of the existence of a created being before it. It has some relation to its existence in any way, whether by an actual relation or by a characteristic, it is necessary, and in that case it is a cause, otherwise it is not a cause, and that effect may be in Uncreated, like His saying, “I respond to the supplication of the supplicant,” so the question is a reason for the existence of the answer. The responder was whatever he was, and from this truth was revealed the Almighty’s saying, “Whatever remembrance comes to them from their Lord is newly created.”

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