The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This chapter is one of the chapters of monotheism, and since it is the unification of choice, I knew that this is the same as this chapter, and that my family from this chapter has the greatest luck and the greatest share. When we saw differentiation and choice occurring in the world, even in the legitimate divine remembrances, as we mentioned, we learned that there is a reasonable matter that is the essence of the soul. He is nothing other than the soul in which words are formed, and they are the essence of beings. Thus, in it, the essence of the will appeared in it, and this preference appeared in the one and the preference in the equal, and the one is not characterized by preference, and the equal is not described by preference. So we knew that the secret of God is unknown and only He knows it, so we found it to be the unification of choice in the presence of the secret. There is no god but Him. To Him is praise in the first, and He is the praise of generality, and in the herea

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From the soul of the Most Merciful is His saying: And do not call upon with God any other god. There is no god but Him. Everything is perishable except His Face. This is the unification of judgment by monotheism to which the multiplicity returns, since it was its essence, and it is the unification of identity, so He forbade his being to call upon a god with God. So he denied what was forbidden when it did not exist, then since if it had been then it would have been determined, and if it had been determined, he would not have denied it, so this indicates that whoever invokes another god with God has blown on a non-Dharma and has become fattened by a tumor, and his supplication is a strong flesh and a Dammam that has no connection to be established and no truth that becomes clear and evident, so the meaning of his supplication was nothingness. So nothing remains except Him who has pure existence. Everything in Him is imagined to be a thing, so it is destroyed in the very essence

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From the soul of the Most Merciful is His saying: Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the heavens and the earth? There is no god but Him. This is the unification of the cause and it is part of the unification of identity. If he were not united with the cause as he is united with other than them, he would not be a god because it is the business of God not to depart from it. The existence of something, since if it departed from Him, he would have no judgment about it, and He said, “And to Him all matters are returned,” so it must have the unity of the cause, which is to be worshiped with this unity for a reason, because the worshiper is essentially lacking in a reason, so he does not depart from his reality, and the reason for it is his sustenance, through which he maintains his essence. So his imagining of what is obscured is in the created causes, and it is a correct imagination that it is in the created causes, but by virtue of creation, not by virtu

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From the Most Merciful’s soul is his saying that when they were told, “There is no god but God,” they would be arrogant. This is the monotheism of astonishment, which is the monotheism of God, not the monotheism of identity. So his saying “they are arrogant” means they magnify that and are astonished at it. How can it be true in the universe that there is no god but God and the thing is not It can only be in the image

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