The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And as for every event in which it is said that it is not devoid of accidents, this is a more general ruling than the cause, so the result is correct, and then elaborating on correcting the two premises is known. The way to do this is known, but our intention is representation, not knowledge of the occurrence of bodies or other things, and if you know that creation is not valid except according to what we have determined, it is in the same position as The secret in marriage moves to knowledge of what is hidden from the secret, just as it moves from what I gave you as an example to the fact that the truth created the world on this path and the world appeared from an essence described by power and will, so the will is linked to the creation of an existent, which is the approach like the meeting of spouses, so power was implemented and he created what he wanted, but it was hidden. The secret is due to our ignorance of the relation of this orientation to this essence and the relation

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From the soul of the Most Merciful is His saying: And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed. Indeed, I am God, there is no god but Me, so worship Me. This is the unification of listening, and it is the unification of repentance, and it was strengthened by the plural, as it was recited, and We have chosen you, and it increased, then he separated and said, I am, and if the word realization, then the essence is the truth. And since the ruling on the euphemism for the yā affects the image of reality, she looked at whoever is in existence in its form and found one of the nūnas, so she said to her, “Mean yourself” for the sake of the yā’s metaphor, so that it does not affect the image of my reality, so the beholder and the hearer witness the change in reality, that the yā is the essence of reality, so the noon of prevention came, and it separated the yā from the nūn. The truth, so the yā created the kasra in the nūn next to it, so it was called the nūn of prevention becau

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From the Self of the Most Merciful is His saying, “Indeed, your God is God, besides whom there is no god. He encompasses everything in knowledge.” This is the unification of capacity from the unification of identity, and it is a monotheism of transcendence, lest it be imagined in its circumstantial capacity of the world for the sake of the inner and apparent name, the soul of the Most Gracious, and the words that Do not exhaust the saying, so he said that his breadth is his knowledge of everything, not that he is a party to anything, and the reason for this monotheism is what came in the story of Al-Samari and his saying about the calf when he rejected in it what he had captured from the traces of the Messenger, so the calf was a circumstance because of what he rejected in it. Then when the calf fell down, he said, “This is your God and the God of Moses.” Then God said, “Your God is only one God, in whom there is no composition. He encompasses all things in knowledge, that is,

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