The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What I liked about what was said was his saying

And he fixed his foot in the swamp of death *** and said to her, “Without your soles, the gathering”

< p> This is how a man is, otherwise he cannot be claimed to be a man. While I was restricting this aspect of this version, the Truth spoke to me in my secret. Whoever took me as an agent has appointed me and whoever appointed me has the right to demand of me, and to establish an account regarding what he appointed me to do, so the matter was reversed and the ranks were changed. This is what God did with His servants whom He was pleased with and chose. Above this gratitude is gratitude that the effort rises to its request. The fulfilled servant does not deviate from this rank from his knowledge of his destiny. God does not take a representative except one whose powers and limbs are the truth, since it is impossible to change facts. The servant is a servant and the Lord is Lord. Tr

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The breach of returns is divided into sections *** intellectual consideration brought it limited

Some of them are specific with the truth and exist *** Like miracles based on transmission, they are limited

And the other categories are possible *** And knowledge in determining it has no form

All of them are clear evidence in the Book of God*** so look at it and you will find it written down

Good tidings, magic, deception, or its sign *** and all of them are mentioned in the Book of God

These are five categories whose categories are limited *** to observers and in the universes are well known

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Know that the situation of breaking customs can be in many ways, some of which are due to psychological forces, for the bodies of the world are irritated by psychological desires. This is how God Almighty has made the matter in them, and they may be due to known natural tricks such as flaqtirat and others, and their door is known to the scholars, and they may be due to the arrangement of letters with signs, and that is for the people of observation. They may be in names that are pronounced by those who remember them, and that action called breaking a custom appears from them in the eye of the beholder, not in the matter itself, or it may be in the matter itself according to the strength of that name, and all of these are under the power of the creature, by God’s making, and then the breaking of customs specific to the divine aspect, in which the servant has no action or power. But God reveals it to him, or it appears on his behalf by God’s command and His knowledge, and it is on l

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