And he fixed his foot in the swamp of death *** and said to her, “Without your soles, the gathering”

< p> This is how a man is, otherwise he cannot be claimed to be a man. While I was restricting this aspect of this version, the Truth spoke to me in my secret. Whoever took me as an agent has appointed me and whoever appointed me has the right to demand of me, and to establish an account regarding what he appointed me to do, so the matter was reversed and the ranks were changed. This is what God did with His servants whom He was pleased with and chose. Above this gratitude is gratitude that the effort rises to its request. The fulfilled servant does not deviate from this rank from his knowledge of his destiny. God does not take a representative except one whose powers and limbs are the truth, since it is impossible to change facts. The servant is a servant and the Lord is Lord. Tr" lang="en-GB" /> And he fixed his foot in the swamp of death *** and said to her, “Without your soles, the gathering”

< p> This is how a man is, otherwise he cannot be claimed to be a man. While I was restricting this aspect of this version, the Truth spoke to me in my secret. Whoever took me as an agent has appointed me and whoever appointed me has the right to demand of me, and to establish an account regarding what he appointed me to do, so the matter was reversed and the ranks were changed. This is what God did with His servants whom He was pleased with and chose. Above this gratitude is gratitude that the effort rises to its request. The fulfilled servant does not deviate from this rank from his knowledge of his destiny. God does not take a representative except one whose powers and limbs are the truth, since it is impossible to change facts. The servant is a servant and the Lord is Lord. Tr"> In knowing the position of breaking customs

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the position of breaking customs

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 371 من الجزء Two

What I liked about what was said was his saying

And he fixed his foot in the swamp of death *** and said to her, “Without your soles, the gathering”

< p> This is how a man is, otherwise he cannot be claimed to be a man. While I was restricting this aspect of this version, the Truth spoke to me in my secret. Whoever took me as an agent has appointed me and whoever appointed me has the right to demand of me, and to establish an account regarding what he appointed me to do, so the matter was reversed and the ranks were changed. This is what God did with His servants whom He was pleased with and chose. Above this gratitude is gratitude that the effort rises to its request. The fulfilled servant does not deviate from this rank from his knowledge of his destiny. God does not take a representative except one whose powers and limbs are the truth, since it is impossible to change facts. The servant is a servant and the Lord is Lord. Tr


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