The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Everything belongs to the beloved servant of God, for there is nothing in the divine presence except for the beloved servant, for God Himself is independent of the worlds, for He is independent of multiplicity and of any indication of it .

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He described the lover as blaming himself for the sake of his beloved.

This is because the lover sees that he is unable to fulfill his beloved’s rights that his love has imposed upon him, and he has no knowledge of the way to encompass the love of his beloved, so he strives to do as much as he knows of that, and then he says For himself, if you were sincere in your love, he would reveal to you all of his love, for you are in the abode of assignment, which is a confined abode, and the beloved’s love therein is certain, unlike the hereafter, for you are the eye’s eye in it, because it is all love, so there is no reproach there. For this reason, the lover here blamed himself by himself in the right of his beloved beloved. God described himself as hesitating in the right of his love. For the believing servant, since it is the right of the beloved that the lover not do to him what he hates, and the beloved hates death, and the truth hates being offended by him in terms of what is

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And it is expressed in terms of attack, and a chapter on it will come in this book. And since He was the Truth, He called the hearts of His servants to Him and legislated for them the lawful, connecting path. He introduced them to meanings, so they recognized Him, and He endeared Him to them with blessings, so they loved Him. When He appeared to them unexpectedly, when they entered upon Him, not knowing that they were entering. Then His manifestation came to them, and they recognized Him by the sign, and they were astonished by the suddenness of the manifestation, and they relished in their knowledge of the sign in their souls that He was their beloved and their desired one. This relish was in the astonishment of the lover of God. He described Himself as a choice, and that He has power over all things, and that if He willed, He would do it, and that He is under no compulsion, and He is truthful in what He says and what He judges Himself with. He is also the one who is abhorrent. T

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He described the lover as having transgressed the limits after memorizing them.

This is specific to the loved ones of the people of Badr, for they were among those who transgressed the limits after memorizing them. He said to them, “Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven you.” As for those who are not specified in general, they are specific in particular, and the Truth has determined their description, so it is what God Almighty mentioned in

His saying: “A servant committed a sin and knew that he had a Lord who forgives the sin and takes responsibility for the sin,” so he said on the fourth or third day, “Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven you. ”

So He permitted him and removed him from confinement in In this world, if God does not command immorality, then the one who disobeys God does not disobey God .

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