The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His statement about the horizons means knowledge of God that our souls do not give us, or everything in our souls. If we look into our souls, we obtain knowledge of it that happens to someone who looks at the horizons. As for the Lawgiver, he knew that the soul collects the truths of the world, so he brought you together out of concern for Him, as He said, “He is keen on you.” Until the guidance is near, then you gain knowledge of God, so you are happy with it. As for the truth, he mentioned the horizons. Beware of what we have mentioned, to imagine that there remains in the horizons what gives you knowledge of God that you do not give yourself. So he referred you to the horizons. So if you recognize the essence of his indication of God, you look within yourself and find that very thing that He gave you to look at the horizons. He gave you to look into yourself from the knowledge of God, so you did not have any doubts left to enter upon you, because there is no one but God and you

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A section that denotes the essence, and it is the proper name that can only be understood from the name itself. It does not indicate praise or blame, and this is a section that we did not find in the names mentioned to us in his book, nor on the tongue of the Lawgiver, except for the name God, which is a name in which there is disagreement, and a second section, which indicates the attributes. It is in two parts: a section that indicates intelligible objects and attributes that can exist, and a section that indicates additional attributes that do not exist in objects, and a third section that indicates the attributes of actions, and it is in two parts, explicit and implicit, and a fourth common section that indicates in a way the attribute of an action, for example, and in a way that indicates an attribute of transcendence. As for the knowledge of the divine names, It is the first knowledge of knowledge, as it is knowledge of what it indicates .

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