The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The universe, and this from which the quality of pride appeared, is imprinted on his heart. If pride in God enters into it, he knows from himself his lack and need, and the pain of hunger, thirst, air, and illness that this animal creation is not without in this world, and some purposes are impossible to achieve what they want. And his pain for this and this is his characteristic. It is impossible for him to be arrogant in himself before his Lord. This is the meaning of the stamp that God has placed on the heart of the arrogant one, by which He appears to you from the claim of the tyrant, forcing you to do what He wants. Among you are the obedient and the disobedient, even if he perishes by disobeying him. For this reason, there is hope for the rule of happiness in money, even after a while, for the hearts Pride towards God does not enter it, but some of them include it against each other. God Almighty said, “The creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation o

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As for jealousy for God, for the sake of God, and by God, it is for a person to see what is defined by the truth that creation should exceed, and he applies it to the quality of jealousy for God, not for himself, and for the sake of God, not for his own sake, since he knows that creation is servants of God, and that it is the rule of a servant not to exceed a limit that he has set. He has his own master, but as for him being jealous of God, jealousy is a veil that obscures the one who is jealous of him so that he is only in His possession, and God’s way is based on calling people to God and returning them to Him, making Him beloved to them, and introducing them to Him and His position, and this is our command, and cosmic jealousy rejects all of that due to its ignorance of the one who is jealous of Him, who does not deserve jealousy. Even if it were not for falling into someone who belongs to God and is ignorant of some of what is due to God and intends that to be good, but does n

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Al-Qushayri mentioned in the chapter on jealousy in his letter on the authority of some of them that he was asked, “When will you rest?” He said, “If I do not see him remembering,” and this is not jealousy. Al-Qushayri made a mistake in saying something like this in the chapter on jealousy in his book. He imagined that Al-Shibli, in the event that those who remember see God, is heedless and inviolable, like this. Whoever mentions him with vain faith and immoral faith, and remembers God in seeking livelihood in the markets, is jealous to be mentioned in this capacity because the one mentioned has not fulfilled his right of inviolability according to Dhikr and Ash-Shibli. It is far-fetched that this is what he meant by that statement at the beginning of his affair and at the time of his veil from knowing his Lord. As for knowledge, it is not. This means his saying, “If I do not see him remembering,” and the meaning of that with regard to the great knowers is that the remembrance doe

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As for the jealousy of the Messenger and the greatest saints, their jealousy is for God, as we said, and it is a jealousy of etiquette, and jealousy is concealing what should be concealed due to lack of respect for it if it appeared to someone who does not appreciate its value, as God Almighty said, and they did not value God as He deserves His value. So, it is jealousy to cover up such things, and it is divine jealousy to cover up his grudges from the people of God. The elite are in the care of his protection, so they do not know, and that is a mercy to creation, for if God Almighty revealed their status and high rank to someone who knew from him that harm would inevitably be caused by him to this chosen one, and then that harm was done to him, it would be a lack of respect for the divine side, since he would not magnify what God has magnified. So you concealed them from knowledge of them, but they did not respect them, and they harmed them because of their ignorance of them, and

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