The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Disposing of all things is a position of Mighty One who knows and understands, but whatever one of God’s creation attains is specific to the truth and the truth is not revealed by it unless the people of Hell take their places and the people of Paradise take their places. Everyone is satisfied with what they are in by pleasing the truth and does not desire it. One of them departs from his status while he is happy with it. It is a strange secret that we have not seen anyone from God’s creation warn about, even though they knew it without a doubt and did not preserve it, and God knows best, except for protection for themselves and mercy for creation, because denial is quick to come from the listeners. By God, I did not warn about it here except because mercy prevailed over me. At this time, whoever understands will be happy, and whoever does not understand will not be distressed by his lack of understanding, even if he is deprived. Peace be upon him .

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How amazing is jealousy in the world***And God described us with it.

And we said, “God is jealous of *** what the Sharia has decided, and we will not go ”

We have accepted it, but it *** is one of the most difficult matters to be attributed < /p

And indeed, in terms of our thoughts *** the imposition of an object is in the accusative

And revelation is like the Sharia in its saying *** And the matter of the Lord of revelation is not concealed

And the matter is true and it is a marvel *** for which their minds flee < / p>

Al-Shibli stated in his ruling *** that it has a more difficult ruling

He is o

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Know, may God help us and you with a spirit from Him, that jealousy is an attribute of God

It was reported in the report that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about Saad, “Saad is jealous, and I am more jealous than Saad, and God is more jealous than me, and from his jealousy he forbade immoral acts .”


In this hadith there is a great issue between the Ash’aris and the Mu’tazilites, and it is an authentic hadith. Jealousy is proven by faith, but with a specific tool, which is the adjective lam, or min, or the b. It is impossible with a tool on, which is what occurred from Al-Shibli, either by mistake or before God knew the knowledge of the knowers, so jealousy is in the way. God is jealousy for God, for God, or for God, and jealousy for God is impossible

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The realization that it is a divine attribute is an attribute that requires others, and that is why it is called jealousy. If it were not for the observation of others, it would not be called jealousy and would not exist. The Almighty God seeks the destined divinity, and He is the Other, so there must be the existence of what He seeks, except for His existence, so He created the world in the most perfect way that existence is, for it must be This is the case due to the impossibility of adding imperfection to perfect power. That is why He said, “He gave everything its creation, which is perfection.” If imperfection had not existed in the world, the world would not have been perfect. From the perfection of the world is the presence of additional imperfection in it. That is why we said that He was created in a perfect form, such that nothing more perfect than Him remained in possibility. Because it is in the divine image.

It was mentioned in the report that God created Adam i

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By His Majesty, when the Truth knew that this servant, with what God had perfected him with of divine power in the perfect form, must claim in attributes what is true for God in order to seek the perfect form of that attribute, which is one of some of the divine attributes, then the Truth was jealous of participating in some of the attributes of majesty and preoccupied man with what He allowed him the rest of the divine attributes, when he also knew that he did not stop at that and that he must give the perfect image its right to be described as divine attributes, and that it goes beyond what was restricted to it, such as greatness, pride, and power.

So he said, Pride is my cloak, and greatness is my garment. Who can compete with me? One of them I cut off.

And he said, “Thus does God impose His seal on every arrogant and tyrannical heart.” This is the essence of jealousy. He was jealous of these attributes that they belonged to anyone other than God, so He blocke

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