How amazing is jealousy in the world***And God described us with it.

And we said, “God is jealous of *** what the Sharia has decided, and we will not go ”

We have accepted it, but it *** is one of the most difficult matters to be attributed < /p

And indeed, in terms of our thoughts *** the imposition of an object is in the accusative

And revelation is like the Sharia in its saying *** And the matter of the Lord of revelation is not concealed

And the matter is true and it is a marvel *** for which their minds flee < / p>

Al-Shibli stated in his ruling *** that it has a more difficult ruling

He is o" lang="en-GB" /> How amazing is jealousy in the world***And God described us with it.

And we said, “God is jealous of *** what the Sharia has decided, and we will not go ”

We have accepted it, but it *** is one of the most difficult matters to be attributed < /p

And indeed, in terms of our thoughts *** the imposition of an object is in the accusative

And revelation is like the Sharia in its saying *** And the matter of the Lord of revelation is not concealed

And the matter is true and it is a marvel *** for which their minds flee < / p>

Al-Shibli stated in his ruling *** that it has a more difficult ruling

He is o"> ( Chapter one hundred and fifty on knowing the station of jealousy, which is the secret, and its secrets )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter one hundred and fifty on knowing the station of jealousy, which is the secret, and its secrets )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 244 من الجزء Two

How amazing is jealousy in the world***And God described us with it.

And we said, “God is jealous of *** what the Sharia has decided, and we will not go ”

We have accepted it, but it *** is one of the most difficult matters to be attributed < /p

And indeed, in terms of our thoughts *** the imposition of an object is in the accusative

And revelation is like the Sharia in its saying *** And the matter of the Lord of revelation is not concealed

And the matter is true and it is a marvel *** for which their minds flee < / p>

Al-Shibli stated in his ruling *** that it has a more difficult ruling

He is o


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