The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

As for the fact that his face is flowing, it means fluency and cheerfulness, and as for his eyes, it is the correct consideration of matters, and as for his eye being inclined to darkness and darkness, it is looking into the unseen and extracting hidden matters, and as for the wide-eyed, it is the tendency to extract knowledge from the world of testimony, and they are people of consideration, and as for the balance of the head bone, it is the provision of the mind. As for his being loose on the shoulders, it means the possibility of harm in his absence without a trace, and as for the neck being straight, it means looking at things without inclination towards them.

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As for excessive length in the neck, it means anticipating what is not appropriate, such as spying. As for excessive shortness, it is neglecting what one should anticipate. As for the moderation of the mane, it is the straightness of the expression with the weight with which the benefit occurs to the addressee. As for the lack of flesh in the hip and backbone, it is his consideration of the matters that he neglects. And he relies on it to make it clear to one of the two parties, for if it is a barzakh, it may be possible in most cases. As for the fact that the voice is hidden, it means keeping the secret in the place of loudness. As for the purity of the voice, it means that it does not add anything to it. As for the length of the tongue, it is for gentle handling, and as for extending the palm, it means throwing away the world without attachment.

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As for the lack of speech and laughter, his attention is to the sites of wisdom, so he speaks and laughs as much as necessary. As for the tendency of his nature to be two times, it is that in yellowness he tends toward the upper world, and in black toward the lower world, and extracting what is hidden in it of the joy of the eyes from what nature obscures most of the minds in seeing. As for the fact that it is previously in their minds of disapproval of nature, and as for the fact that it is in his view joy and happiness, it is attracting the souls of others to him with love, and as for the fact that he is not greedy for money, it is distancing himself from everything that inclines him to what is of no benefit to him, and as for the fact that he does not want to control you or rule, it is his job of perfection. His servitude is not due to him. As for the fact that he is neither hasty nor slow, that is, he is neither quick to take with the ability nor powerless.

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Likewise, when we looked at the masters of jurisprudence, we found that they referred in this matter to two extremes and a middle one, and they divided matters into praiseworthy and blameworthy, I mean morals, and they placed all the good in the middle and placed the deviation in the two extremes. They said about the very white and the blue blond, I have not heard of blame and that it is not praiseworthy, and so is the extreme. A black person and a very thin nose are reprehensible. All of this is reprehensible, and the one who is moderate between them and does not lean towards one of the two extremes, for example, outside the limit, is praiseworthy, as mentioned above. When we saw that they had limited it to what we mentioned, we looked at that in this human world, where goodness and ugliness appear, so we said: There is no goodness that brings status to God. There is no ugliness that occurs by avoiding the good from God, except what the law makes good and what is bad. So when we

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So we say that a person cannot be free of being one of three in view of the Sharia, and he can either be a purely mystical person, which is the one who advocates the abstraction of monotheism in our case and action, and this leads to disrupting the rulings of the Sharia, such as the mystical one, and abandoning what the legislator wanted by it, and everything that leads to the demolition of a legitimate religious rule is reprehensible. Absolutely for every believer, or for it to be purely apparent, pervasive and pervasive, such that this leads to anthropomorphism and resemblance. This is also the same as that attached to condemnation according to the law. Either it is consistent with the law according to the understanding of the tongue. Wherever the legislator walked, he walked, and wherever he stopped, he stood, foot by foot. This is the state of the middle, and in it the love of truth is valid. To him, the Almighty said, “His Prophet says, ‘Follow me, and God will love you and f

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Then you will know, may God grant you success, that the upper world in general is the mover, the world of sense and testimony, and under its oppression is wisdom from God Almighty, not for himself. He deserved that. The world of testimony does not reveal in it the rule of movement, rest, eating, drinking, speech, or silence except from the world of the unseen, and that is that the animal It does not move except intentionally and willingly, and they are the work of the heart and will from the world of the unseen, and movement and the like from the world of testimony, and the world of testimony whenever we perceive it by sense is habit and knowledge .

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