The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Not obscene, it is evidence of reason and understanding, and whoever has a wide mouth is brave, and whoever has thick lips is foolish, and whoever has medium-thick lips with a sincere redness is moderate, and whoever has crooked or protruding teeth is deceitful, impossibly trustworthy, and whoever has flat teeth is light between them. He who has a thin face is yellow, he is bad, malicious, deceitful, and deceitful. He who has a long face is impudent, and he who has swollen temples and full cheeks is angry. He who you look at, he becomes red and ashamed, and his eyes may shed tears. Or he smiles with a smile that he does not want. He is courting you and loves you. He has reverence for you in himself, and if he has a loud voice, it indicates courage. Moderate between toil and deliberation. Roughness and gentleness indicate reason, planning, and honesty. Speed and gentleness of speech indicates lies, rudeness, and ignorance. A thick voice indicates anger, bad character, and arrogance

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This is what I quoted from the sayings of the wise, experienced people, and natural scientists. These attributes may be many or few, and the ruling is for the majority, and they may be equal in a person, so this is refuted by the ruling of this being that in a person one of them has a ruling in one way in a special case and one of them has a ruling in another way in a special case. In general, sports The use of knowledge is effective in removing the ruling on every reprehensible characteristic from what was mentioned, and whoever experiments will find the validity of what we said, for habit is a fifth nature that has an effect on the original nature. This is all proven and proven and verified in what we have mentioned of the signs that nature has given its ruling on and which experiments have attested to .

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Know that since the kindness of man, the ruler of his body, had a face to the pure light, which is its father, and a face to nature, which is the pure darkness, which is its mother, the rational soul was a mediator between the light and the darkness, and the reason for its mediation in position is because it is a ruler, like the universal soul, which is between the mind and the body, and it is the essence. It is dark and the mind is pure light, so this rational soul was like the isthmus between light and darkness, giving each person his right. Whenever one of the two sides prevailed over it, it was as it was defeated by it, and if it had no inclination toward one of the sides, it received matters in moderation, was fair, and judged with truth. Let us mention in this connection the consideration of what was mentioned in the signs. Physiognomy of the body

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So we say that as for excessive whiteness, it is a person’s emptiness in looking into the world of light such that there remains in his emptiness what he manages in the world of his nature, such as Abu Iqal al-Maghribi and his likes, so it quickly becomes corrupted before perfection is achieved. Likewise, we consider excessive blackness, which is his emptiness in the world of his desire and nature, such that it prevents him from looking at The sciences of lights, which are the divine sciences, are reprehensible without dispute. If it is a time and a time, and everyone who has a right fulfills his right, as he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “I have a time in which no one can help me except my Lord, then that is the just Imam. As for considering length and shortness, it is the duration of his stay in looking at one of the worlds. As for an extended period.” It is long or short, and therefore the duration should be as much as needed. As for the meat being moderate in

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