The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ Absoluteness is a restriction and there is no benefit to restriction except distinction ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 229 من الجزء Two

Know, may God grant you success, that dhikr is better than abandoning it, for abandoning it is only from witnesses, and witnesses cannot be absolute, and dhikr has absolute meaning, but the dhikr that we mentioned is not dhikr by praising God, glorifying God, and other restricted dhikr, so if the abandonment of dhikr was not from witnesses, we would see if there was a reason. Leaving it out is something that requires generality, so it is judged equally, and the circumstances are undoubtedly restricted, even if the generality is a restriction because it has been distinguished from the restricted one and applies to the restricted things, whatever I said and in the same way that it is distinguished, then it has been limited to what we distinguish by, for absoluteness is a restriction and the greatest thing in which it is said is that it is unknown and not known, so what departs from this description is beyond the restriction. Because it has been distinguished from the known


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