The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Regarding knowledge of Qutb’s condition, his home was the Almighty’s saying (Did he not know that God sees?)

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 145 من الجزء Four

Between him and his servant there are two halves, and the whole is his. Whoever performs it by dividing it has interceded his prayer, and whoever performs it by saying to him, the whole matter will be returned. He performed it in a voluntary prayer, so the one who performs the prayer through intercession is the one who is submissive in his prayer, and whoever performs it in a voluntary prayer with knowledge is not characterized by humility in and of himself, and if it appears outwardly, then his ruling is the ruling of an appearance. The work is from Him, and God is the One who works, not He. God Almighty said, “And God created you and what you do.” And as for those who see God’s deception, it is nothing but their deception, and they are the ones who deceive God , and He deceives them in the same way that they believe that they are deceiving God. No one deceives God except one who is extremely ignorant of God, or who knows God extremely. The knowledge that the hadith cannot have i


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