The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He has no knowledge of the ranks of the various types of creation with God, so God is jealous of that, since it is a right for others and the misguidance it causes in people, so the person who is irrational will be punished for it, especially if it appears from him in a state of sobriety

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Likewise, among the exaggerations transmitted from the masters is the vision of the superiority of their race of humans over the angels out of ignorance on their part, and they are held accountable for that before God, and the One who knows God. The Perfecter is the one who protects himself by making God an argument against him in some way. And whoever wants to be safe from that should stop at the command and prohibition and watch. Death and silence is required except when mentioning God from the Qur’an, especially if he does that, he does not call for good or escape from evil, and he has purged himself and given every rightful person his right, just as God gave everything He created. This is the rational person, the goal of truth from the world, and above this level is a rank for a created being. Originally

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This has passed from the fatwa, a righteous party in its ruling in the divine presence, and if the truth, O guardian, with his wealth and wealth are among the attributes of majesty and attributes of perfection, I have shown you what he has of this percentage in his preference for you, then you are more deserving of this attribute to be characterized by it in his right specifically, not in The right of creation, as he was described in it, in the right of creation, this is its basis in us. The youth is the one who does not take into account the creation and does not issue a fatwa on them, for the fatwa on them is only for God, as we mentioned, so this servant is asking for a fatwa on the side of the right, out of preference for him over the creation, so he does not issue a fatwa on the creation except in the capacity of a right or a command. It is right, so the truth is the one who gives the Fatwa, not this servant. This is how the creation of the fatwa is, otherwise it is not, sinc

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If the matter is like this, then leave the creation alone if you want to achieve this status, and return to God in the origin of fatwa, for its origin is that you deviate from the share of yourself, preferring the luck of others. Do not deviate from the share of others, preferring the share of others. This is not a fatwa, even if the fatwa was this, it would not be valid for it. If things conflict, he favors the side of truth, and he loses your share of what His Majesty deserves, since he has treated you as a ruler despite his wealth, so despite your poverty, you are more in need of that, and from your preference for him is that if he asks you to ask him for a reward for what you issued a fatwa upon him, then it is arrogance for you to ask for reward, for your compliance with his command is If you depart from your share, then your share will come to you by abandoning your share while fulfilling the description of being a boy. Abraham, peace be upon him, sacrificed himself for the

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The reality of fatwa is that a person prefers the legitimate knowledge received from God over the Sunnah of the Messengers, based on his own desires and on the evidence of his mind and what his thought and consideration have ruled upon, if he contradicts the knowledge of the law prescribed for him. This is the youth, so he is in the hands of the legitimate knowledge like a dead person in the hands of the washer, and it should not be said here. He will be in the hands of the truth like a dead person in the hands of the washer, for it is a mistake and a slip of the past. The law has restricted you, so stop at its restriction. It has not made it obligatory for you to attribute it to yourself or to any of the created beings other than God. It is fatwa to attribute it to that and not to God in reality, as He commanded you, even if He directs you to Other than that, your mind rejects it, and be with legitimate knowledge. And whatever He commands you to attribute to Him, Glory be to Him,

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Sheikh Abu Madin, may God have mercy on him, used to eat it when a good food came to him, and if a coarse food came to him, he ate it, and if he was hungry and money came to him, he knew that God had given him a choice, as if he wanted to feed him any type of food he wanted, he would bring it to him, and he would say: This money is the price of the food, God brought it for him to choose. The choice is made at that time, which of the foods is most beloved to God, given the goodness of the mood for worship, not the psychological obligation and the following of desires. If whatever is eaten agrees with it, then he returns to the home of this world and what he should be treated with, such as asceticism in its pleasures, along with the goodness of the mood, which is based on the right of legitimate worship, and it is fair. By virtue of the habit of living, which the soul hates due to lack of pleasure in it, and is satisfied with the pleasure of need, then he takes it when necessary, fo

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The boy is the one we mentioned, and his action and behavior applies to inanimate objects, plants, animals, and every existing thing, but on the scale of legitimate knowledge, and if a divine command is presented to him in what appears to him, it is permissible for him to do what is proven to be forbidden in the same matter by Muhammadan Sharia law, as he has become confused about it, so he leaves it and returns to a ruling


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