The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Abandoning contemplation is surrender to its Creator*** So do not think, for thought has an effect

If you do not think, you will be a purified soul *** a true sitter of the remembrances, drawn

If you do not think, you will be a purified soul *** like the angels who do not veil you Detail

about the God who gives his talents*** Judah and the one who gives him download

Either a meeting or a speech and she learns it *** or writing gives her the details

So with contemplation and we have entrusted ourselves *** if it were not for it, we would not have It was inclusion and disabling.

Contemplation is something I have been designated for ***bec

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Those who abandoned thought are men who wanted to remove confusion about what they wanted to know, so that they could inherit the inheritance of what was said about him and what was spoken out of inclination, and what was innate in him among created beings like the angels, and whoever God willed among the created beings who were innate with knowledge of God and the revelation to them, beginning with God and taking care of them, and because Wrong ideas

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The other group moved towards abandoning contemplation, because contemplation is involved in one of two matters, either in creatures or in God, and the highest degree of its involvement in creatures is to take it as evidence, and the signified is the opposite of evidence, so evidence and its meaning are never combined in the eyes of the observer. They saw abandonment of contemplation and preoccupation with remembrance, since they are both permissible, for if he died In the case of thinking about the verses, he would have died in something other than God, even if he was asking for them for God, but there is no witness for him except them, and if his wandering about God was to take it as evidence of creatures and beings, as some of them see it, then he was asking for something other than God, and it is bad manners with God, since he only intended to consider it to guide him to a ruling. And if the beings were based on it, then what he asked for would be his own, and if he thought th

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When they saw such looking, they abandoned it. If he contemplated this characteristic of him, he was like one who thanked the creation for their goodness, so thanking them is an act of worship, because God commanded them to be grateful. He also commanded them to contemplate, so they contemplate what He commanded them or appointed for them to contemplate in compliance with His command, and what knowledge they produce is in the ruling of following, because sciences Thought in every way takes the place of the sciences of remembrance, revelation, and divine gifting in elevation and status. End of part one hundred and two.

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Know, may God help you.

That a bully never ceases to carry it out*** in advance before the Lord of mankind and the people .

Indeed, the boy who has altruism is a treat *** so wherever he was, he was carried on the head

What That the desires might shake him with their power *** because he is steadfast like a tall and upright person

No sadness controls him and no fear distracts him *** from good deeds in times of war and valor < / p>

Look at him breaking the idols alone*** without help, for he is that soft and hard

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Fatwa is a divine attribute by way of meaning, and the Almighty does not have a divine name to call it from its wording, as it has been proven by law and evidence of reason that He is independent of the world in general. By law, the Almighty’s saying, “Indeed, God is independent of the worlds” and the evidence of reason, if His existence were not obligatory for Himself despite His being characterized by existence, He would have been Possible because it is characterized by existence, and if it were possible, it would lack what is probable in its existence, and the name of the rich would not be appropriate for it .

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