That a bully never ceases to carry it out*** in advance before the Lord of mankind and the people .

Indeed, the boy who has altruism is a treat *** so wherever he was, he was carried on the head

What That the desires might shake him with their power *** because he is steadfast like a tall and upright person

No sadness controls him and no fear distracts him *** from good deeds in times of war and valor < / p>

Look at him breaking the idols alone*** without help, for he is that soft and hard

" lang="en-GB" /> That a bully never ceases to carry it out*** in advance before the Lord of mankind and the people .

Indeed, the boy who has altruism is a treat *** so wherever he was, he was carried on the head

What That the desires might shake him with their power *** because he is steadfast like a tall and upright person

No sadness controls him and no fear distracts him *** from good deeds in times of war and valor < / p>

Look at him breaking the idols alone*** without help, for he is that soft and hard

"> ( Chapter one hundred and forty-six on knowing the status of the fatwa and its secrets )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter one hundred and forty-six on knowing the status of the fatwa and its secrets )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 231 من الجزء Two

Know, may God help you.

That a bully never ceases to carry it out*** in advance before the Lord of mankind and the people .

Indeed, the boy who has altruism is a treat *** so wherever he was, he was carried on the head

What That the desires might shake him with their power *** because he is steadfast like a tall and upright person

No sadness controls him and no fear distracts him *** from good deeds in times of war and valor < / p>

Look at him breaking the idols alone*** without help, for he is that soft and hard


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