The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Sometimes I will be in the plural and the plural plural, and sometimes I will be in the groups and in the groups of groups, according to the rule of manifestation and what comes.

One day, if I meet the right person *** And if you meet a contagious person, then count me in .

Among these are amazement, laughter, joy, and anger. Amazement occurs only from someone present who does not know that person who is amazed at him, then he knows it and is amazed at it and laughter follows it. This is impossible for God Almighty, for nothing has escaped His knowledge. So when it happens There is something in existence that can be marveled at with us. We carry that wonder and laughter on those for whom it is not permissible to marvel or laugh, because the reality is something that we are amazed at, like a young man who has no youth. This is something to be amazed at, so it has taken the place of what is marveled at in our eyes by God Alm

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Out of joy

It was mentioned in the news that God looks forward to the man who steps into the mosques for prayer and remembrance

The hadith is when the world was obscured by the universes and they occupied themselves with other than God rather than God, so by this act they became in A state of absence from God, and when they responded to Him, Glory be to Him, with some form of presence, He, Glory be to Him, infused into their hearts the pleasure of the bliss of His lecture, monologue, and watching Him, which endeared it to their hearts.

For the Prophet, peace be upon him, says, “Love God for the blessings He bestows upon you. ” < /p>

This verb of his was nicknamed “tabshash” because it is a display of pleasure with your coming to him, for whoever is pleased with your coming to him, the sign of his happiness is showing righteousness by your side, showing love, and sending his blessings upon you. When these things appeared from God to the servants des

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God Almighty said, “And the Creator, Most High, forgot them. It is not permissible for him to forget, but when God Almighty punished them with eternal torment, and His mercy, Most High, did not descend upon them, they became as if they had been forgotten by Him, and He is as if He had forgotten them. That is, this is the action of the forgetful and the one who does not remember the painful torment they are in. This is because they are In their worldly life, they forgot God, so He rewarded them for their actions, so their actions returned it to them for the occasion, and their forgetfulness may have been the last of them to forget God, that is, they delayed the command of God and did not do it. God caused them to last in the Fire when He expelled from it whomever He had put into it from among others. And close to this door is the description of the truth with deception, ridicule, and ridicule. God Almighty said, “God made fun of them.” And he said, “God plotted,” and he said, “

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He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Do not curse the wind, for it is from the soul of the Most Merciful.”

And his saying, peace be upon him, “Indeed, I find the soul of the Most Merciful coming to me from the direction of Yemen. ”

This is all from relief. It is as if he is saying, “Do not curse the wind, for it is one of the things that the Most Merciful takes away from His servants.” And he, peace be upon him, said, “I was blessed with youth .” Likewise,

He says, “Indeed, I find relief,” meaning that the Most Merciful relieves me of distress.

What was in him was his people denying him and their rejection of the command of God from before Yemen, so the Ansar were the soul of God with them on the authority of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. What was worse for him than the deniers, for God Almighty is far above the breath, which is the air coming out of the breather. God is exalted above what the wrongdoers ha

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It is applied to the matter and what is known to people, and other than that, and it is mentioned in the hadith that the image is added to God in the Sahih and elsewhere.

Such as the hadith of Ikrimah, peace be upon him, who said, “I saw my Lord in the form of a young man” < /p

This hadith is a saying from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and it is well-known and well-known in the speech of the Arabs. Likewise

His saying, peace be upon him, that God created Adam in His image

Know that homosexuality mentioned in The Qur’an is linguistic, not rational, because rational homology is impossible for God Almighty. Zaid al-Assad Zayd Zuhayr’s poetic intensity if you describe an existing entity with one or two attributes and then describe another with that attribute, even if there is a discrepancy between them in terms of other facts, but they share in the spirit and meaning of that attribute, so each of them is in the image of the other

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