The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the same matter, the law has approved it, and it is an acceptable Sharia ruling, and it is not permissible for any of the rulers to reject it, and the rules and principles of Sharia law preserve it, just like the established interests in Malik’s doctrine .

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And when the Lawgiver decided its ruling in general and made it clear that the one who established it and those who followed it will be rewarded, and the end of those who follow it is up to the one who created it according to his ability and the extent of what he enacted. I alerted you to this so that your times are filled with the Prophetic laws and the original Sunnahs, for the goal of his work should be nothing but an original prophecy and not a secondary one, since he has Choice is in choice, since matters in themselves accept choice, just as He, Glory be to Him, did with all existing beings. He chose from every matter in every kind just as He chose from among the most beautiful names the Word of God. He chose from among the people the Messengers, He chose from among His servants the angels, He chose from among the spheres the Throne, He chose from among the pillars water, and He chose from among the people. From the months of worship, he chose fasting, from among the centurie

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As for the remembrance of God from the sayings of prayer, the remembrance of God is the greatest of them. Thus, the Almighty said, “Prayer forbids indecency and evil, and the remembrance of God is greater, for prayer is a monologue, and the one who remembers is his true companion, so if he reminds him of it, then the Almighty has his tongue.”

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As for his choice of prostration in the actions of prayer, because of his protection from Satan, he does not separate from him in any of the actions of prayer except in prostration, especially because it is his sin, and when prostrating, he cries, regrets, and regrets, and regret is repentance, and it is necessary to accept that destiny, so he repents at every prostration, even if God loves every tempter who repents.

Then he returns to temptation when rising from prostration like this .

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As for his choosing mercy over anger, it is because it is done with kindness, and it is done with obligation, and it encompasses everything, and anger is one of the things that mercy encompasses, so then there is pure anger, not tinged with mercy, and mercy is not tinged with anger, and whoever upon whom My wrath descends has fallen, for anger makes him fall, and when he falls, it is a fall. The rule of anger is nothing else, so it falls into mercy, so it expands it and receives it, so it does not fall except to it, and with the mercy in which anger fell, it is the one that caused anger to fall upon him so that it receives him pure mercy, like the mercy that is in the globulel medicine, so the sick person drinks it despite his dislike, there is a hidden mercy for it, for which he used the globulel medicine at the time to deliver him to health, which is Pure mercy, and for this reason the money belongs to mercy and its ruling, and if they do not come out of the fire, they will have

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As for choosing existence from the two opposites, it is because it is His attribute, so He chose for possible things His attribute, and nothing is valid except this, for He has power and power, and nothing can be due to Him except existence. Do you not see it when He said, “If He wills, He can take you away.” He said, “And He will bring forth others,” so He refused power except existence, and He attached will to death, and He has the noun prohibition, and prevention is nonexistence.

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