The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From the knowledge of the universe, above and below, and from whom He bestowed its existence, there is the soul’s knowledge of things, and from His manifestation to them and His light and His most sacred flow, the mind benefits from the Almighty’s truth and is beneficial to the soul, and the soul benefits from the mind and from it comes action. This applies to all that the knowledge of the mind relates to things that are below it. Rather, we restricted it. Which is less than it, for the sake of what we mentioned of benefit, and in your view, you should be cautious about the Almighty’s saying: “Until we know, and He is the All-Knowing, so know the reason .”

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And know that the dominant world does not benefit from the first intellect at all, and it has no authority over the dominant ones. Rather, they and it are in the same rank, like the individuals among us who are outside the rule of the Pole, even if the Pole is one of the individuals, but the intellect is designated for benefit, just as the Pole is designated among the individuals for leadership.

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He applied everything to which the science of reason was related, except the science of abstract monotheism in particular, as it contradicts all other information in all respects, as there is no correspondence between God Almighty and His creation at all, even if the occasion was ever applied to Him, as Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali applied it to in his books and elsewhere, then it is Effortlessness and a goal that is far from the facts. Otherwise, what is the relationship between the modern and the ancient? Or how can one who does not accept proverbs resemble one who accepts proverbs? This is impossible, as Abu Al-Abbas bin Al-Arif Al-Sanhaji said in the virtues of the gatherings that are attributed to him. There is no lineage between him and the servants except providence, no reason except judgment, and no time other than him. Eternity and what remains are blindness and confusion, and in one narration, he knew instead of his saying, so he was blind. So see how good this speech is, h

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Knowledge of God is dearer to the understanding of the mind and the soul, except insofar as He exists and is sanctified, and everything He utters against creatures or imagines in vehicles and other things is God Almighty in the view of the sound mind in terms of His thought and infallibility. Otherwise, it is not permissible for him to have that illusion and it does not apply to him. The word is rational in the sense that creatures accept it, and if it is given to it, then it is based on approximation to the understandings, due to the confirmation of existence to the listener, not due to the confirmation of the reality that it is the truth, for God Almighty says, “There is nothing like Him,” but it is obligatory upon us according to Islamic law for the sake of what God Almighty said to His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. So know that: There is no god but God. He says, “I know from my information that agrees with your view, so that faith is valid for you with know

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Let us say that since the main requirements are four, which are: Is, What, How, and Why, So, So, and Why, two simple spiritual requests accompanied by What, So, and Why, they are the two correct principles of the simple ones, because what is a kind of structure in particular, and there is not in these four demands a requirement that should be asked about God Almighty. From the standpoint of what the truth gives him, since it is not correct to know the science of monotheism except by denying what exists in anything other than Him, Glory be to Him, and for this reason He said: There is nothing like Him, and Glory be to your Lord, Lord of glory, above what they describe .

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Knowledge of negativity is knowledge of God Almighty, just as it is not permissible to say about souls how and sanctified by that, because their facts contradict this statement. Likewise, what is applied to souls in terms of the tools with which they are asked about is not permissible to be applied to God Almighty, nor should the monotheist investigator who respects His Holiness. His creator and inventor are called these words, so he never knows these demands.

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Then we also looked at everything other than the Almighty Truth, and we found it to be divided into two parts: a group that is perceived by itself, which is the sensed and the dense, and a section that is perceived by its action, which is the intelligible and the subtle. So the intelligible was elevated from the sensed by this status, which is the exaltation, that it is perceived by itself, but rather it is perceived by its action, and since these are the descriptions of created beings


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