The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This matter has led us to believe in existents in their details that this is the manifestation of truth in the manifestations of the concrete entities of possible things by virtue of the possible dispositions to which the possible entities are, so the attributes differed apparently because the entities in which it appeared were different, so the existents were distinguished and multiplied due to the multiplicity of entities and their distinction in itself, for there is nothing but existence. God and the rulings of entities and nothing in nothingness except the entities of possible beings prepared to be characterized by existence, so they are not in existence because what is apparent is their rulings and they have no essence in existence, so they are not as it is nor is it because what is apparent is it and the distinction between existents is reasonable and tangible due to the differences in the rulings of entities so it is not . p>

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Know, may God grant you success .

The God-fearing people are individuals. *** In this house, individuals are individuals.

If the limits achieve their form *** are isthmuses, and in their investigation they are testimony

Fear that your official limit has * ** A hollow and in the hollow of that hollow there is atheism

Stand by your own luck and you will enjoy what *** has been enjoyed by someone who has happiness and contentment

Poverty and helplessness in this world and the afterlife *** The ultimate closeness is nearness in which there is distance.

This The way of a people who had determination *** they won it and by it they prevailed

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God Almighty said, and fear a temptation that does not afflict those who have been wronged from you, and know that God is the most severe punishment and any punishment is more severe than the punishment that is due to it and the unjust and the unjust, the unjust, the righteous, the righteous and the effective And borders The afterlife is not like that, for it is a house of discrimination, so punishment does not apply to anyone but its people. If the emergence of the afterlife were from the sperm of gametes, as Ibn Qasi held, then the punishment would apply to its people and non-people. Hence, if you look, you will know that the emergence of the afterlife is without an example that preceded it, just as the origination of this world is without an example that preceded it, which is his saying. And you have known the first creation, so if you do not remember that it was in a manner other than an example, and that is why he used the word “precipitation.”

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And this general temptation, the comprehensive punishment, and the overlapping limits regarding the description of His saying, “He does what He wills,” its apparent appearance does not require justice, but its hidden meaning requires divine grace. In the Hereafter, no female servant will bear the burden of another. And here it is not like that in the general form of punishment, but it is not a punishment for the innocent, but rather it is There is a tribulation and there is a punishment for the oppressor because it came to him as a result of his injustice. The innocent does not deserve it, but the ruling of the house is upon him just as the people of the abode of disbelief are judged by the abode, even if there are in it those who do not deserve what the disbelievers deserve. God Almighty said, “And do not lean on those who have wronged, lest the Fire touch you.” And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, has appointed a guardian. The people are among them in judgme

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If God says against those whom He has chosen from among His servants that he is unjust to himself since he carried the trust, and this is the injustice of the chosen servants of God. There is no injustice that exceeds the divine limits, for whoever transgresses the limits of God has wronged himself, because for himself there is a limit at which it stands, and it is against it in itself, and that limit is The essence of its servitude is that the limit of God is the one that belongs to it. If the servant enters into the attribute of lordship and is God, then he has transgressed the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits of God, those are the wrongdoers, because the limit of a thing prevents what is from it from coming out of it and what is not from it from entering it. These are the intrinsic limits, so whoever Those who fear it are the ones who will be successful. These are the limits of God, so do not approach them. Thus God makes clear His signs to the people that the

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