The God-fearing people are individuals. *** In this house, individuals are individuals.

If the limits achieve their form *** are isthmuses, and in their investigation they are testimony

Fear that your official limit has * ** A hollow and in the hollow of that hollow there is atheism

Stand by your own luck and you will enjoy what *** has been enjoyed by someone who has happiness and contentment

Poverty and helplessness in this world and the afterlife *** The ultimate closeness is nearness in which there is distance.

This The way of a people who had determination *** they won it and by it they prevailed

" lang="en-GB" /> The God-fearing people are individuals. *** In this house, individuals are individuals.

If the limits achieve their form *** are isthmuses, and in their investigation they are testimony

Fear that your official limit has * ** A hollow and in the hollow of that hollow there is atheism

Stand by your own luck and you will enjoy what *** has been enjoyed by someone who has happiness and contentment

Poverty and helplessness in this world and the afterlife *** The ultimate closeness is nearness in which there is distance.

This The way of a people who had determination *** they won it and by it they prevailed

"> ( Chapter Eighty-Six on Piety of Worldly Boundaries )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter Eighty-Six on Piety of Worldly Boundaries )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 160 من الجزء Two

Know, may God grant you success .

The God-fearing people are individuals. *** In this house, individuals are individuals.

If the limits achieve their form *** are isthmuses, and in their investigation they are testimony

Fear that your official limit has * ** A hollow and in the hollow of that hollow there is atheism

Stand by your own luck and you will enjoy what *** has been enjoyed by someone who has happiness and contentment

Poverty and helplessness in this world and the afterlife *** The ultimate closeness is nearness in which there is distance.

This The way of a people who had determination *** they won it and by it they prevailed


(... Another Random Quote)

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