The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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These are two types that we have mentioned. As for the third category, which are those who strive for the sake of God as He deserves, the distraction from His struggle is attributed to God, that is, they are characterized by jihad, that is, in the case of His struggle, the attribute of truth, as we mentioned in Divine Hesitation, that is, they do not see any striving other than God, and that is because the jihad occurred in him and he does not know it. One of how is jihad for God except God, so if they return that to God, which is His saying, “His jihad is true,” then jihad is attributed to Him by adding the pronoun, so it is the fighter, not the one, and if they are the place where traces appear, then they are the fighters, not the fighters.

God said to Moses, “O Moses, thank me truly.” He said, O Lord, and who is able to do that? He said, “If you see the blessing from me, then you have truly thanked me.” This hadith was included by Ibn Majah in his Sunan .

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So every action that you attributed to God out of taste, revelation, and observation, not out of belief or condition, but rather out of true position and knowledge, then you have given that action its right, since you saw it from what it is for, so whenever something like this happens to you, explain it as God explained it on the tongue of His Messenger, so he conveyed it to us, and it is a method that is conducive to it. To God it is easy, soft, close to the point of entry, level, in which you will not see any crookedness or deadness.

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And the fourth category are those about whom God said, “And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our paths, which We told them about, and do not follow the paths, lest they separate you from His path,” meaning the path in which you will find happiness. Otherwise, all paths are to Him, because God is the end of every path, so to Him the matter will be returned. All of it, but not all of it Saad returned to him, so the path to happiness is the lawful one and nothing else, but rather all paths, so their entire goal is to God first, then the Most Merciful takes over it last, or the rule of the Most Merciful over it remains forever, for which there is no end to its existence. This is a strange matter, the revelations of which are few, and the believer in it is even fewer, and since the cause of jihad is actions coming from those whom We have commanded. By fighting them and their jihad, and those actions are the actions of God, we did not strive except in Him, not in th

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So, I have expressed to you the conditions of the people of the Mujahideen, and they are the Mujahideen, and the words are long in the details of this chapter, and the book is large. If we explore what is required of us in each chapter, a lifetime is not sufficient to write it, so if it is necessary to limit ourselves, let us limit ourselves to what happens from each chapter, the course of mothers, and nothing else. Or is it like Eve with the children of Adam, for they are all her children? If God had given us the divine writing, we would highlight all that this book contains in full on one small sheet of paper, just as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came out with two books in his hand, with the divine book in which no created being can operate, and he told that in the book that is in In his right hand are the names of the people of Paradise and the names of their fathers, tribes and clans from the beginning of their creation until the Day of Resurrec

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Let us mention the stations that this attribute, which is striving, has, which are its levels and stations, which its people descend upon. They are blame, and they are divided into two categories, people of etiquette, by stopping at Hadd, and the people of Anas and Wisal. Likewise, what those who know this aspect have, and they are of two types, people of etiquette, standing at Hadd, and people of Anas and Wissal, and this goes in the following: Every station, the one for which the blame is of the type that has the etiquette of standing at the borders, is fifty-three degrees, but we changed to mentioning the degrees when we heard God say about the degrees in their virtue, so we followed what God said, for it is more deserving of us, and the one for the blame, the people of humanity and connection, of the degrees in this section is four hundred and fifty-three degrees. As for The degrees of the knowers, the people of humanity and connection, have four hundred degrees and eighty-fou

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