The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It is difficult for a soul that desires the life of this world, so that it will increase obedience, close actions, divine knowledge, and constant progress with the breath, so it is difficult for it to leave this worldly life, and for this reason it is called jihad against the two groups. As for those who strive for the sake of God, which is the path to God, that is, to reaching Him from His being a god, it is jihad. In order to gain knowledge of the level from which the world and the rulings appeared in it and from it, the caliphs on earth are among us. They have in these paths as much hardship as the traveler experiences on his fearful path, for he is in the process of exposing himself in traveling in it to the destruction of his wealth and his life, the loss of his children and the loss of his acquaintances. God Almighty said: And they strive with their wealth and their lives for the sake of God and said: They fight in the way of God, so they kill and are killed.

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And when God knew of His servants that such a thing would be arrogant to them due to their claim that their souls and their money were theirs, as the truth has proven to them, and God only says what is true, He offered to buy money and souls from them until he removed their hand from them, so the buyer remained to dispose of his commodity as he pleased, and the seller, if he liked his commodity, then the compensation he gave. And it is the price that is dearer to him than what he sold. He said that God bought from the believers their souls and their property, and after this purchase he commanded him to fight with them in the path of God to make that easier for them, as they struggle with borrowed souls, I mean animal souls that exist on borrowed bodies and money.

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They are like someone who travels on a loaned animal with someone else’s money, and the burden is removed from its owner when he lent it to him. If the animal dies and the money is lost, then his heart is at ease, and there is no psychological hardship left for him if he is a believer, except for the hardship that this animal creature experiences in terms of the length of the road and the fatigue of the road, even if it is In fighting the enemy, he suffers from fighting, fleeing, stabbing with spears, pelting with arrows, and striking with swords. Man is born with natural compassion. He pities his rider from the point of view of it being an animal, not from the perspective of its owner. For its owner has learned from this crossing that he wants to destroy it, so that is loved by him, so he has no compassion left for him except Natural compassion

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The souls that the Truth bought in this verse are the animal souls that He bought from the rational, believing souls. The rational souls of the believers are the seller and owner of these animal souls that the Truth bought from them, because they are the ones for which killing is permissible, and these souls are not a place of faith. Rather, what is described as faith are the rational souls, and from them He bought the Truth. The souls of bodies, and he said, He bought from the believers, which are the rational souls described by faith, their souls, which are their sensory vessels, and they go out to fight with them and struggle. The believer does not have a soul, so he has no compassion for it except the intrinsic compassion that is in the rational soul for every animal .

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As for the mujahideen whom God did not restrict in any specific capacity, neither for the sake of God nor in Him nor for the right of jihad, they are the mujahideen against God, whose attribute is not restricted, so His jihad is in everything, and it is general jihad, and jihad is attributed to Him in it, which is hardship because He called him a mujahid and was not restricted in what. He who strives is the rule of judgment and destiny in the things that obtain from him the ball in the one who is judged by what he has decreed for him, and the truth does not want to harm him because of the care he has for this servant.

So he said in this situation, I have not hesitated about anything that I will do as I hesitate about... Capturing the breath of My faithful servant hates death, and I hate touching him, and he must meet me.

He says, “And he must die, for what he has already known.” So he seizes him from an absolute struggle, not restricted by harm or anything else, b

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The Mujahideen among the servants who do not abide by what God has called them are those who are hesitant about the specific actions that occur in them. Do they attribute them to God, for there is in them what should not be attributed to Him as good manners, and the truth disavows them, as he said, disavowal of God, or do they attribute them to themselves, then there is in them what should be attributed to God in good manners? With God and a real relationship, and they saw God saying, “And you did not throw when you threw,” so he denied and affirmed what he denied, then he said, “But God threw,” so he made the proof between two negations, so it was stronger than the proof because of his understanding of the affirmative. Then he said, “And He will test the believers” in the same verse, so we know that God baffles the believers and He is His test. With what was mentioned of denying stoning and confirming it and making it a good test, meaning if the servant denies it, he is right, an

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