The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The image in which they were created is because it is not restricted from it. So when she saw someone who resembled her had been blocked, she asked about him removing the restriction from him. She was told about that, what will he have in the afterlife? She said, “He must have a ruling in this world’s life so that I may have good news of the acceptance of intercession, for you are the one who says to them.” Good news in the life of this world and in the hereafter, for this image is my place of rest and my sight. If I see stones on it, I see brokenness in it, and we see no trace of my care in it, despite the fact that it was created in my image and there is no stone on me .

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So God has decreed for her that what is permissible in this world is permissible, so she does not see the divine image except at the time when she is acting in what is permissible, which is the highest state of the soul in this world, for it is part of the afterlife in which there is no prohibition. So if it moves from what is permissible to what is disliked or recommended, the image turns away from the accountable person for a little and distances itself from it along with it. Some attention to it, so if it moved to a forbidden or obligatory action, it lowered the veil and completely turned away from that one who was obligated. When the one who had enjoined it and prohibited it, God Almighty, saw that, He imposed on Himself what He had made obligatory, such as His saying, “Your Lord has decreed upon Himself mercy, and it is upon Us to help the believers,” so he lifted the veil and the picture looked at Each one in every case of the rulings

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So see, O my guardian, how kind and compassionate God is to His servants, as He associated Himself with them in the rule of obligation, and He did not remove obligation from them, but rather He included Himself with them in it, since they were characterized by it to begin with. If He removed it from them, there would not have been a place for them to include Himself with them in it, that is, we have tasted what we have made you taste. This is the ultimate goal. Gentleness in judgment and divine revelation, just as He revealed with them in learned knowledge, since their knowledge was learned, and He said, “And We will certainly test you until We know, and He is the Knowing.” So forget them, and there is a rule of faith that can be used by anyone who hears from those who do not know God their saying that God does not know the specifics, even if they intended by that to be dispassionate, and this is an issue that cannot be verified with reason. Unless the revelation is of how divine

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Then we go back and say that striving forces the soul to undergo physical hardships that affect one’s mood, weakness and weakness, just as exercise refines one’s psychological morals by making one endure harm in one’s honor and outside one’s body, in which there is no physical movement. Then these physical movements that are praiseworthy according to Islamic law include movements for the sake of God. Absolutely, and they are types of the path of every lawful righteousness. Some of them involve hardship, so they are called struggle, and some include no hardship, so the ruling of this name is removed from them .

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This chapter is specific to that which entails hardship, and that is why we called it the chapter on jihad. We looked at the greatest hardships and did not find anything greater than destroying one’s struggle for the sake of God, which is jihad in the path of God, whose dead God described as being alive and provided for, and forbade them from being called dead, and denied knowledge of those who would join them with the dead to participate in the struggle. The image of the paradox of feeling and the absence of breath

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This is one of the clearest pieces of evidence for the invalidity of the analogy, because those who believe in the death of the Mujahideen killed for the sake of God only believe it by analogy with the one killed in other than the path of God, with the universal reason that they saw each one of the killed in the same form of lack of breathing, animal movements, and lack of refraining from the intended action. They suffered from cutting off limbs, tearing off skins, eating prey of birds and lions, and transforming their bodies into worms and weariness, so they measured and made a mistake, and there is no analogy clearer than this or more clearly indicating the existence of the reason for it. And yet God made them lie and said to them: What is the matter with regard to a person killed in my path as the person killed in a way other than my path? And do not think that they were killed. They are dead in the way of God, but rather alive with their Lord, provided for and rejoicing. So he

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Since destroying one’s soul is the greatest hardship for souls, this is why it is called jihad, for two souls are two souls that desire the worldly life due to their familiarity with it, so they do not want to separate.

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